Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: September 2005:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#13845) Increasing the appeal of very large cities

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#13845) Increasing the appeal of very large cities

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To: osyluth@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#13845) Increasing the appeal of very large cities
From: "Brian Dunstan" <bdunstan149@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 4 Sep 2005 11:20:31 -0700
Reply-to: bugs@xxxxxxxxxxx

<URL: >

I've noticed that the value of trade routes seems to
max out at about 20-24.  I'm not sure why this is --
why you can't get say 40 trade bonus from a route
between two size 32 from different civs, different

Alternatively, larger cities could be permitted more
than 4 trade routes, e.g. 12 population = 3 routes, 16
population = 4 routes, 20 population = 5 routes, etc.

--- Benoit Hudson <benoit.hudson@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> <URL:
> >
> I kind of like the idea, although I'm a bit leery
> about shields and 
> especially food popping out from nowhere, and I'm
> not convinced that the 
> threshhold of 16 is particularly well chosen (16 is
> pretty large already, as 
> has been mentioned). How about just a bonus to
> trade: n% or 2n% added to the 
> base trade (before caravans/corruption). Two size 10
> cities would get 10% 
> bonus trade, 1 size 20 would get 20% bonus (or
> 20/40, or whatever).
> If we do anything like this, the AI needs to learn
> about these bonuses and 
> take account of them when evaluating city placement
> and the worth of 
> irrigation. Right now, the AI pretty much just plays
> smallpox.
> -- Benoît
I kind of like the idea, although I'ma bit leery about
shields and especially food popping out from
nowhere,and I'm not convinced that the threshhold of
16 is particularly wellchosen (16 is pretty large
already, as has been mentioned).  Howabout just a
bonus to trade: n% or 2n% added to the base trade
(beforecaravans/corruption).   Two size 10 cities
would get 10%bonus trade, 1 size 20 would get 20%
bonus (or 20/40, or whatever).

If we do anything like this, the AI needs to learn
about these bonusesand take account of them when
evaluating city placement and the worthof irrigation. 
Right now, the AI pretty much just plays smallpox.

-- Benoît

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