Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: discussion: February 2003:
[aclug-L] Re: Richard Reid

[aclug-L] Re: Richard Reid

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To: discussion@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [aclug-L] Re: Richard Reid
From: Michael Moore <mrmoore@xxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 02 Feb 2003 14:08:55 -0600
Reply-to: discussion@xxxxxxxxx

Scott Rarden wrote:

>>I am really becoming amazed to see how many liberals there are in this
>>club.  Am I the only conservative in this group?
>No you are not the only conservative on the list.  In reading the posts i=
>became obvious that there are probably better things to do than to try an=
>argue with people whose positions are held so tightly that there is no=20
>arguing with them.  That goes for both sides of this argument -- I doubt =
>could convince me of the moral or factual correctness of their viewpoint =
>if they knew me personally, let alone over an email list.  I doubt I coul=
>present a case that would make them turn a 180 and head in my direction.
>The last few posts have proven the truth of that to my satisfaction, if n=
>o one=20
>Luckily, I am part of this list because I have an intense interest in Lin=
>use it at home, and generally like the people who have that same interest=
>=2E  I=20
>can agree to disagree on this point, yet still appreciate some of the oth=
>discussions, and of course any technical viewpoints held by the others on=
>this list.  They can attempt to persuade people who have not made up thei=
>minds on the various matters (hey, even the assasination of JFK for all I=
>care) as can I.
>I do not believe that they are members of the Nazi party or would be if t=
>could, nor do I believe that they are members of the Communist party, to =
>closer to the totalitarian viewpoint on that side of the aisle.  I regret=
>that they can not believe something to that affect about conservatives.
>But then again -- they don't know me personally.  Well...most of them :).
>Scott Rarden
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I agree.  The only reason I responded is that I was getting tired of 
seeing so many Liberalistic views on this thread.  But, they are not my 
views.....and at this time they are not the majority of the populations 

Its just like France and Germany stating that they represent the views 
of Europe.  They don't represent Europes' views, they represent their 
own views.  Last week, eight Nations stated that France and Germany do 
not represent their views and they are on the USA's side.

I am glad to see traffic up on this list.  But, it would be nice if we 
can stay away from politics.  I myself have better things to do than 
waste time in this Flame war.  You are not going to change my 
conservative views and I am not going to change your Liberal views.

Let this thread die.  I am not going to respond to it anymore.

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