Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: March 2002:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Alternative nation dialog

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Alternative nation dialog

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To: Daniel L Speyer <dspeyer@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: Alternative nation dialog
From: aliaga <aliaga@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 01 Mar 2002 13:03:52 +0100

At 28-02-02 21:35 -0500, you wrote:
If the mongols had arisen in an arable realm like China they wouldn't have
become nomadic warriors.  Farming would have been more
attractive.  Witness what did happen when they finally did get to live in
China -- they became Chinese.  Similarly, if they had lived in the dense
jungles of Africa or the horseless plains of North America, they wouldn't
have become horseman.

Yes, it's a thought worth considering. WE know that we want to develop archers on horseback and Ironclads and Jet fighters. The thing is, we should not act upon that foreknowledge. I feel that limiting your choices from the start of the game would be worse.

But it's been suggested before that the terrain specials and huts can be used to that extent. If your country has horses, you can study them. If a hut gives you a shiny chunk of raw Uranium, you can study it (or ignore it and get widespread plagues). A modpack could feature "unknown things" that you cannot see if will be good or bad for your tribe until you study them.

unreasonable.  If the Dunedain or Phonoecians are placed far from the
coast, should they research navigation anyway out of 'realism'?

They would lack the prerequisite "tech" of a coastline. Likewise, if you do not have your cities spaced apart more than a few squares, you should not have roads. If your jungles have elephants but your plains have no horses, you can tame only the animal you know for military purposes.

Now, matching civs to their real geography would be an interesting
idea.  The Arabs start in a desert, the Egyptians on a river near an
isthimus, the Dunadun on their own really big island.  That might get us
the cultural simularity without forcing ugliness on multiplayer.  It might
also require a complete rewrite on the map generation code.

Yes and yes, I believe.

Freeciv already gives a lot of information that real leaders wouldn't have
(scores, "historian reports", wonder data, chatline -- all whether or not
you've contacted the civs).  There's no need to give more.  Anyone who
really needs it (in single-player) can cheat.

That info should not be available for free in the hard levels of play.

My 0.02E

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