Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: September 2001:
[Freeciv-Dev] New city dialog version 9

[Freeciv-Dev] New city dialog version 9

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: Daniel Sjölie <deepone@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] New city dialog version 9
From: Mike Kaufman <mkaufman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2001 08:47:23 -0500

new_city_dialog9.diff.gz is in incoming/ on the ftp site.

here's a brief list:

 removed #define DEBUG
 removed redundant keyboard handler (heh)
 reworked sell button sensitivity
 removed redundant lines from refresh_city_dialog()
 looked at the map sensitivity, can't see the problem.
 fixed upkeep showing on units in the overview supported units window.
 condensed and renamed [present,supported]_units_page_pos_callback
   from four to two functions
 prev/next centers map on prev/next city
 function placement in citydlg.c follows a more structured approach
 prev/next buttons are sensitive at the right times.
 switch pages is now left and right arrow keys
 the tab labels and shortcuts are correct for localization.
 tooltips has an enable checkbutton in misc. settings.
 removed useless #includes and coments from happiness.c
 now you can rotate types on the available targets list on the worklists
   page, try it.
 Daniel made worklists play nice and added some more keyboard
   functionality. Adding types with long names should work far better.

caveats: I tried to make the dialog _not_ commit the worklist if a user
were paging away from the worklist page and nothing had been changed.
This eliminates useless packets being sent over the wire. I _think_
there is a bug in my implementation. Please test and/or check this.
Things I didn't do:
Christian: I was about to apply your patch when I found I could not
reproduce the map sensitivity problem. Please check this.
Christian: I still haven't decided about the population in the title. I
checked the code, and I'm lazy.
Christian: the sorting thing will probably wait until after CVS
Raimar: I'm still thinking about the "Buy for X" thing. How about a
label directly under the progress bar?

This is the penultimate version. There are a few things that we're
working on yet regarding mainly keyboard stuff. Please test this.


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