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[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Multiple patches

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Multiple patches

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To: Freeciv dev list <freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: Multiple patches
From: Robert Rendell <rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 29 May 2000 15:18:09 +1000 (EST)

Daniel Zinsli wrote:
} Robert Rendell <rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
} >     * If a city building something has enough resources in stock to get
} >             it, the turns until complete come up as "1", even if the
} >             city is in disorder or otherwise has zero resources coming
} >             in
} Perhaps we should have 'DISORDER' appended if the city is in disorder?

Hmm, I'm not sure - the number of turns left comes up in the city display
(where you can see the disorder symbol on the city map) or the city summary
(where there are columns already there to indicate disorder).

} Also, i like to see 'inf' in cities that have 0 in production.

That's fair, but in the case I'm describing, the the city _will_ build the
thing in 1 turn, so 'inf' or '999' would be mis-leading.  Actually, if the
city has sufficient -ve production to bring the resource total down below
that required (since I think the resources are updated before the test for
completion is made), it should still read 'inf' or '999'.

} >     Implements nuclear meltdowns, a la Civ and Civ2
} Great, I've missed this one. You lose all units in the city too, i
} presume?

No, I didn't kill off the units.  Neither the Civ 1 or Civ 2 manuals say
anything about killing units - they both say "half the city's population is
destroyed and a random number of squares near the city become polluted." I
guess a nuclear meltdown isn't the same thing as a nuclear bomb -
contamination leaks out, but the city isn't blown up.

} >     * Spaceships are only destroyed if a capital is taken while the
} >             ship is in orbit, not after it is launched.
} I still like the original behaviour, because you then have the ability
} to take their capital after their ship launches.
} If we have the above behaviour, the only way to win if the other side
} launches is to build a faster spaceship.
} It's logical too, if you take their control-central, they can't control
} the ship remotely anymore :)

Perhaps, perhaps not - if I were flying in a spaceship on a several-year
journey, I'd be happier if we were entirely self-sufficient :)  From a game
perspective, you're right, it gives players who want to stop someone else
finishing the game a way to do it.  I'm not certain about this one -
original civ definitely said that losing the capital only affected
spaceships which hadn't been launched, but whether that's a good thing or
not isn't obvious.

} However, when destroying a city you shouldn't get anything, because the
} city is totally destroyed. No labs left to aquire techs from :)

Perhaps you could still capture gold from the city (it's still there in the
ruins) but not technology (you've killed everyone who could have explained
how it worked, and destroyed the tools).  Hmm.

                                                        Have fun,
                                                         Rob R.

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