Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: linux-help: April 2001:
[linux-help] Re: dual booting Windows/Linux

[linux-help] Re: dual booting Windows/Linux

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To: linux-help@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [linux-help] Re: dual booting Windows/Linux
From: james l <james@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 13:07:55 -0500
Reply-to: linux-help@xxxxxxxxx

Root/Great Overall Dictator replies:
> Hey everyone,
>       Dual-booting was a topic recently, so let me share what I learned
> when I tried this recently.

My setup was this: (clean computer with 20-30GB drive + ~1.2GB drive)
Boot into Redhat's install program, create a large fat32 partition (not
formating it, just changing the partition type.)
Reboot and start Windows install. Install on partition you created. 
Make sure windows works. (or some facimialy thereof)
Install Linux using the free space. Had it install LILO on root partition,
and /dev/hdb's mbr. 
Download Smart Boot Manager (smb) from gnuchina, Install that on /dev/hda's
mbr, and change the name (to Windows and Linux, etc) then it works

>       Ironic, isn't it? The "hostile" Windows OS choked and gagged when
> trying to get rid of Linux. But the "friendly" OS had no problem creating
> and/or obliterating Windows partitions.

Interesting that Windows only bsod when there was a different OS's partition.
Imagine that, and all the ME overwrites of other OSes. Almost like Microsoft
wants to destroy other Operating Systems. <SUPER SARCASM> But of course,
Microsoft wouldn't do that now would they? </SUPER SARCASM>

>       Well, that's my story for your amusement and (hopefully) 
> enlightenment. Again, I am certainly not an expert. I got this setup to
> work after many hours of frustration. Other distros may behave
> differently--I can't say because Mandrake is the only one I've used at
> home. If I overlooked something simple that would have made the whole
> ordeal less painful, I would take absolutely no offense if you pointed it
> out to me. I am interested in learning as much as I can. 
>       Peace.
> -Aaron

James Lancaster

BTW, would someone with Windows ME be willing to see if it is as hostile to
sbm as it is to LILO or grub? (If it isn't I believe it can hide partitions
from OSes that use the bios almost exclusively (think Windows)) That way you
could have ME and linux on the same computer.

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