[linux-help] Re: Red Hat 5.2 to 6.2 -
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On Sat, 21 Oct 2000, Bob Goodwin wrote:
> Once again I'm in trouble. My friend downloaded the two Linux 7.0 ... .iso
> files
> and put them on CD's. I downloaded the boot.img file but I can't get to the
> stuff
> on the CDROM!
> The install process tells me there is no Red Hat disk?
> The CD's are set up as follows -
> /root# cd /mnt/cdrom
> cdrom# ls -al
> total 5
> dr-xr-xr-x 1 root root 2048 Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969 .
> drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 1024 Fri Jul 28 11:43:37 2000 ..
> dr-xr-xr-x 1 root root 2048 Mon Oct 16 14:32:46 2000
> 7.0-i386-disc1.iso
Your friend didn't select the right options when he burned the cdrom. He made a
CD with one file on it, the CD image file from Red Hat. That's not what you
want. With EZ CD Creater, there's an option called Create CD from CD Image...
that allows you to burn a CD from either an iso image file or a cif image file.
The resultant CD will be bootable and will have all the right directories on
> Can anyone suggest a way out of this? Or perhaps I'm doing something wrong?
Have him reburn the CDs using the right option. The iso image file is a disk
image, it's not intended to be burned on there as a file.
> I only have a 2 gig HD with 623 meg's partitioned for DOS/Windows. I
> considered
> deleting the DOS partiton and copying the CD's there one at a time but even
> then
> I am short on space with less than 200 megs free space left in the Linux
> partitions. And I don't know if the Linux 7 installation could be done that
> way,
> copying one CD at a time?
That won't help you at all. The iso files aren't usable by themselves, they're
only intended to be used to burn cds...
"Hang loose, baby. You'll get your new wings soon." - Is. 40:31
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- [linux-help] Re: Printer on Red Hat 6.2, (continued)
- [linux-help] Re: Printer on Red Hat 6.2, Lowell, 2000/10/01
- [linux-help] Re: Printer on Red Hat 6.2, Dale W Hodge, 2000/10/02
- [linux-help] Red Hat 5.2 to 6.2 -, Bob Goodwin, 2000/10/05
- [linux-help] Re: Red Hat 5.2 to 6.2 -, Greg House, 2000/10/05
- [linux-help] Re: Red Hat 5.2 to 6.2 -, Jesse Kaufman, 2000/10/05
- [linux-help] Re: Red Hat 5.2 to 6.2 -, Bob Goodwin, 2000/10/06
- [linux-help] Re: Red Hat 5.2 to 6.2 -, Bob Goodwin, 2000/10/21
- [linux-help] Re: Red Hat 5.2 to 6.2 -,
Greg House <=
- [linux-help] Re: Red Hat 5.2 to 6.2 -, Jesse Kaufman, 2000/10/21
- [linux-help] Re: Red Hat 5.2 to 6.2 -, Greg House, 2000/10/22
- [linux-help] Re: Red Hat 5.2 to 6.2 -, Jesse Kaufman, 2000/10/22
- [linux-help] Re: Red Hat 5.2 to 6.2 -, Bob Goodwin, 2000/10/23
- [linux-help] Re: Red Hat 5.2 to 6.2 -, Bob Goodwin, 2000/10/24