Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: linux-help: October 2000:
[linux-help] Re: Printer on Red Hat 6.2

[linux-help] Re: Printer on Red Hat 6.2

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To: linux-help@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [linux-help] Re: Printer on Red Hat 6.2
From: Bruce Bales <bbales@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 01 Oct 2000 17:24:30 -0500
Reply-to: linux-help@xxxxxxxxx

I found a website that explains that many folks setting up servers didn't want 
xwindows so RH left it out
of the regular server set-up.  This site also tells how to add xwindows.  I may 
have to go ahead and do
that so that (hopefully) I can use printtool.

Had hoped I could avoid windows, but that may be the only way I'll get the 
printer to work.

I don't understand the /proc directory, but on the Mandrake machine, there is a 
directory /proc/parport.
I tried to mkdir to add a parport directory to the RH box, but "permission 

>                 In /proc/interrupts, I go straight from
>                 2 to 5, with no mention of parport any-
>                 where; 'course, this is RH, too.
>                 If this same setup worked fine under Man-
>                 drake (all the same hdwr.) then these lines
>                 sure seem like the answer, but what puts
>                 those lines in the boot process that dmesg
>                 records?
>                 My dmesg has been non-functional since the
>                 first of the year (am I the only one who can
>                 actually claim to have had a Y2K misadventure?)
>                 All it will say (100+ lines of it) is "VFS:
>                 Disk change detected on device ide1 (22.64)"
>                 Not much help...
>                 You're right; not a single word begins with
>                 a ~N, although if the whole word...
> "Become a monk. The food is better
>  and the hours are no worse."
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