Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv: April 2003:
[Freeciv] Re: Speeding Up Games

[Freeciv] Re: Speeding Up Games

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To: Mark Metson <markm@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: "Per I. Mathisen" <per@xxxxxxxxxxx>, <freeciv@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Freeciv] Re: Speeding Up Games
From: Ilkka Lehtoranta <ilkleht@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2003 22:53:49 +0300 (EEST)

On Wed, 16 Apr 2003, Mark Metson wrote:

> > Key cities could be the capital city and some other cities, maybe chosen
> > by server. I.e. every 10th (20th? 30th?) built city could be a key city. 
> > WHo ever gets them first wins.
> Too arbitrary. Its ridiculous. If my 9th and 19th cities are now size 20 
> and my 10th and 20th are still tiny villages churning out settlers for me 
> its my 9th and 19th that are key, not my 10th and 20th. Being a "key city" 
> should be related to actual usefulness, such as my more productive city my 
> most scientific city my highest-taxed city and such.

You are right. I just thought that one key city (i.e. capital) is too easy 
to capture. But maybe it could be enough for a victory. However IMO player 
who lost his key city/capital should not be removed from the game but 
should be able to continue. Player could attempt recapture his capital 
which could keep game still interesting for him and leave slim chances.

Anyway there should be some "capture the flag" stylish mission games 
available on public servers. There everyone quits game after 2 hours and 
having mission objective could effectively limit required playtime.

  Greets, Ilkka

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