Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-java: January 1999:
Re: [FreeCiv-Java] Work Distribution

Re: [FreeCiv-Java] Work Distribution

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To: John Goerzen <jgoerzen@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: freeciv-java@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [FreeCiv-Java] Work Distribution
From: Esben Haabendal Soerensen <ehs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 6 Jan 1999 09:37:34 +0100 (MET)

On Wed, 6 Jan 1999, John Goerzen wrote:

> On Tue, Jan 05, 1999 at 12:15:58PM +0100, Sebastian Fischmeister wrote:
> > 
> > > 1. Agree on the MAJOR framework design philosophy
> > 
> > That's absolutely right. There has to be a big design phase ( UML
> > for structures, GUI-planning, third-party source evaluation), before
> > we begin with coding.
> No, I very much disagree.  Look at Linux.

Somehow I feel that a comparision between the design and development of a
full blown OS and a small game-client has very little relevance.

> The current design is poor.  I know that.  But only because I tried it
> first.
> Esben has had some very good ideas on the pattern.

Thank you.  But I do not in any way consider my design ideas in a state that
is as good as I would want to have it before we really start.  By starting
right the end product will be better and it will probably be much easier
to do it.

> > We could use 'dia' for UML.
> I have no idea what you just said there :-)

Well I don't know dia.  I usually do all my uml diagrams with a pencil.
I think I will take a look at dia :-)

> > 
> > > 2. Delegate the detailed framework coding of the different parts out
> > >    to different people.  These people having direct access to the
> > >    code-base via cvs.
> > 
> > Correct. Without CVS, we have no chance at all.
> Somehow, other places have done it (Linux),

Again, the comparision with Linux is not se relevant.  The difference in
the total code-base-size and number of coders _does_ make a difference.

> but if it's that important, I'll figure
> something out.  I am nervous about pserver security, but if necessary, I'll
> just give everybody accounts on a Unix box for hacking.

We don't need a unix account to have pserver access.

> I had hoped we
> could do this like Linux, but if nobody else wants to do it that way, we'll
> do it how everyone else wants it.

Do it like Linux.... That would make you Linus...

We don't have a "Linus" and we should be able to keep the complexity
of the code in a very acceptable level (with _the right_ design).
Therefore I see no reason to do things like Linus does.

But as I have said earlier.  I am just discussing for now.  I have
lots of stuff/projects (read to much!) going on, and this freeciv-java
thing is not working out as I would like it,  so I no reason to use
my spare time here.

Sorry guys, and good luck.

/Esben  (bart@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)

Obviously I was either onto something, or on something.
             -- Larry Wall on the creation of Perl

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