Re: [FreeCiv-Java] Work Distribution
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On Tue, 5 Jan 1999, Olivier Chatelain wrote:
> I'm back from the holidays.
> Now my little question? Who will work on which part of the java client?
> I don't like too much GUI Programming, so I think, I will continue with
> parts of the model. i.e.: finishing the city. - Is there anybody who
> would like to build the city interface? I would gladly help him to
> program this.
To be honest: I have sort of lost interest in the freeciv-java client.
As I see this project, it is in a _very_ early stage, and if we cannot
manage to be a few people (more than one) with direct access to the
code-base I will find another way of spending my sparse spare-time.
The by far most important thing right now would to get the framework
100% right from the beginning. And I don't see this as a very ideal
phase for sending in patches for approval and integration to the master
1. Agree on the MAJOR framework design philosophy
2. Delegate the detailed framework coding of the different parts out
to different people. These people having direct access to the
code-base via cvs.
3, When a part has the framework code in an usable state severable
people can begin to contribute to this part by sending in patches,
which then can be approved and integrated by the person(s)
responsible for the relevant framework part.
In the above i think of parts as: network-fw, game-fw, gui-fw and
perhaps an api-fw (for ai-clients and helper-clients).
Comments welcome.
No accusations intended and no hurt feelings here!
/Esben (bart@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
Obviously I was either onto something, or on something.
-- Larry Wall on the creation of Perl