Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-java: January 1999:
[FreeCiv-Java] Work Distribution

[FreeCiv-Java] Work Distribution

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To: "freeciv-java@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <freeciv-java@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [FreeCiv-Java] Work Distribution
From: Olivier Chatelain <Olivier.Chatelain@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 05 Jan 1999 10:48:10 +0100

Hello Everybody,

I'm back from the holidays.
Now my little question? Who will work on which part of the java client?

I don't like too much GUI Programming, so I think, I will continue with
parts of the model. i.e.: finishing the city. - Is there anybody who
would like to build the city interface? I would gladly help him to
program this.

Greeting from Switzerland


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