Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-java: January 1999:
[FreeCiv-Java] Re: Dia / UML

[FreeCiv-Java] Re: Dia / UML

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To: freeciv-java@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [FreeCiv-Java] Re: Dia / UML
From: Sebastian Fischmeister <sfischme@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 6 Jan 1999 14:14:47 +0100
Reply-to: Sebastian Fischmeister <sfischme@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

> I think it is good idea to make the planning first.
> Currently I work on Fusion, but I think UML isn't so different? The usual
> Analysis - Design - Implementation Cycle?

Well. There should be only some (perhaps two) guys working on the
general framework, because otherwise too much overhead will go in
communication.  These two guys should be good in patterns and should
have experience designing frameworks. The level of abstraction is a
matter of discussion, but I think they should just define the api
between the GUI and the Network-Layer and some general patterns
(access to global variables).

If someone wants to do anything before we have a framework he can
build some GUIs and play with them. I can recommend the
NetBeans-Development Tool (free for non-commecial use): Then just do a screenshot and send it to the
list for further discussion.


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