Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: January 2004:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#7127) [FS] Screen design

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#7127) [FS] Screen design

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To: i-freeciv-lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#7127) [FS] Screen design
From: "Morgan Jones" <morgan.jones@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2004 01:47:09 -0800
Reply-to: rt@xxxxxxxxxxx

<URL: >

On 15/01/2004, you wrote:

> <URL: >
> I like the changes you made. The buttons are nicer. The scrollbar is
> good, except the slider, which gives the optical illusion of being
> off centered because it has shading while the arrows do not.

I see what you mean.  
> Perhaps a bit less shading on the middle of the slider would do the
> trick?

I'll keep experimenting.
>> I also forgot to mention that I changed the inactive page tabs to
>> be
>> much clearer.
> Very good! They are perfectly readable now.
> I wonder about the 640x480 resolution though. Shouldn't we aim for
> 800x600 instead? I don't think anyone requires that low a resolution
> anymore, not even on laptops, and that way there is more viewable
> map space.

Although I can run Freeciv at 800x600 the speed difference isn't worth
the extra size (still using an Amiga, you see).  So I need 640x480. 
Actually I'd prefer 640x512 or indeed 720x564 would be perfect, but I
need to get a graphics card eventually.

There's quite a lot of Amiga Freeciv players (we don't have Civ2 or
Civ3) and I'd like to see them supported.  Many of them have far more
powerful Amigas than I do so screen resolution isn't a problem for
them, but there are those like myself who lack the money to get a
decent graphics card setup.   This is one of the reasons I
volunteered my services to do this, as it looks like the FS client
will be the way forward for the Amiga port. 

The way I see it if we can get an efficient, attractive looking GUI at
640x480 it's only going to better at higher resolutions.  So once
we've got the 640x480 looking and working beautifully I'll
convert/redesign everything for 800x600.

It would be a real effort to do it the other way around.

I'll probably have to leave the higher resolutions to someone else
though, as I don't think my computer will be up to it.


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