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[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Ruleset Development - improvements

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Ruleset Development - improvements

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To: Ben Webb <ben@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Petr Baudis <pasky@xxxxxxxxxxx>, freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: Ruleset Development - improvements
From: Raimar Falke <hawk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 4 Dec 2001 19:19:34 +0100
Reply-to: rf13@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

On Tue, Dec 04, 2001 at 06:01:50PM +0000, Ben Webb wrote:
> (heavily trimmed for clarity)
> Re: generalized improvements...
> On Tue, 4 Dec 2001, Raimar Falke wrote:
> > So Sebastian does know more about this.
>       As far as I can tell by looking at Freeciv-CVS and the original 
> impr-gen patch, this submission would appear to be part of my impr-gen 
> patch, with some of the function names changed and a few comments added, 
> so I disagree. Besides, Sebastian has been very quiet recently anyway.

I don't know anything about improvement requirements. Mhhh

> > From my todo list:
> >  - effect of building (client only)
> > 
> > Consider something like this:
> >  - save city state
> >  - for each improvement which can be build:
> >    - virtually build the improvement
> >    - recalculate the city
> >    - calculate and save the difference (effect) to the starting point
> >    - restore saved state
> >  - for client: display the effect
> >  - for AI: weighten effects and select one
>       The problem with this approach is that a building can have a 
> global effect (e.g. a wonder) so to be completely general you have to 
> consider all cities in the game (yours and other players') when you 
> recalculate the city.

This was about local city buildings. Wonders are special IMHO. You
have to really decide/commit what wonder and where to build. Wonder
building also affects more that one city (caravans).

> This is what causes the problem that you refer to in the URLs below.

> > > > - Client and server have different ideas of the world (e.g. islands can 
> > > > be 
> > > >   different in the client, due to unexplored territory) and this can 
> > > > give 
> > > >   the client incorrect effects
> > > > - Handling of population size limits (e.g. Aqueduct, Sewer System)
> > > > - Code optimisation; many algorithms are still O(N**2) in number of 
> > > >   cities, and we iterate over effects too frequently for my liking
> > > Anyway, this isn't something so fatal IMHO and can be adjusted on the fly.
> > 
> >
>       I count this as "code optimisation". The problem here is that the 
> client is recalculating all effects whenever a new city packet is 
> received, and the savegame referred to at that URL has loads of cities in 
> it. The server seems to be slinging packets at the client like there's no 
> tomorrow (surely you only need the same number of packets as there are 
> cities?) so update_all_effects is being called far too often on the 
> client. 

> It's possible to optimise this (e.g. only update effects when a
> city_info packet changes the improvements)

This looks like an easy change with a good benefit.

> but I think perhaps making the client more "dumb", with no
> understanding of improvement effects, is a better way to go
> (although I'm not sure if this is actually doable). I'll have to get
> back to you on that.

Remember: the client has to have all the information to calculate a
city for its own. This is needed for client side AI.

> > And from
> > 
> > > I think much of update_all_effects() and the other calls are really
> > > unneccessary, but I wanted to wait for the next step of the
> > > generalizaton where time needed will further increases (this is the
> > > price).
>       Well, that's not actually true. It's time-consuming because it's 
> O(N**2) in number of cities. The full patch actually, er, updates all 
> effects (the patch in CVS just decides which buildings are replaced by 
> wonders) so including this extra code makes very little difference to the 
> runtime.
> > Well the next step didn't managed to get included. And the tree is
> > left with code which uses 40% of the runtime.
> > 
> > So I'm a bit critical.
>       Hey, I never submitted this patch to CVS; I only advertised it 
> and asked for feedback. The clientside part of the code wasn't really 
> ready for CVS inclusion then, and it's not now either (although that "40% 
> runtime" figure is dependent on how many cities you have, of course - in 
> games I play the overhead is negligible). The serverside code (e.g. the 
> landlocked improvements stuff at the URL I mentioned) on the other hand, 
> largely is.
>       As I said, I'll try to split the patch (currently rather large) 
> into some more manageable chunks, and then sling them towards the bug 
> tracking system. Hopefully then everybody will be happy. ;)


 email: rf13@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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