[aclug-L] Re: Richard Reid
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Jonathan Hall wrote:
>>Will the USA as we know it come to an end? Perhaps. But, comparing us
>>to the Roman Empire is very insulting. Maybe, you should go back an
>It is insulting--that's the whole point. Sometimes the truth hurts.
>It's better to realize it as truth and change, than to ignore the truth
>and remain ignorant, though.
So what's your excuse.
>>read your history books. Last time I checked our Presidents don't come
>>to power by killing the previous President.
>That's true... our empire is more "civilized." Rather than killing the
>previous president, we just disenfranchise a small group of people in
>Florida... a group that happens to represent the majority opinion in the
>We're playing the same game... just with modified rules.
Jon, now you are making blanket statements; but with incorrect evidence.
Your the one who's acting like they've been cheated and is yelling at
their opposition without and due reason.
For you information majority opinion or popular vote does not mean you
will win. If popular vote ruled then lots of small less populous
states, such as Kansas, would not even matter. It was the Democrats
that wanted to modify the laws. In any case I don't have time to
explain the electorial process to you. Maybe, you need to go back and
take another Political Science class....you obviously slept thru the
last one you had.
>>I don't think people of other Nations hate our freedom. In fact, I
>>think lots of times we are hated just becuase of our success.
>You're right--they don't hate our freedom. They hate our opression.
I'm sure the Kuwaits don't share your view.
>>There's no doubt that if a group or a country is successful for a long
>>period of time other people get jealous and over time people want them
>>to loose so they can have a chance to be on top.
>Some may be jealous of our country. Jealous of Hollywood, our music
>industry, etc. But that's not why people hate the U.S. They hate us
>because of our arrogant, dominant attitude.
>>>The vast majority of anti-Americanism I have encountered in my life
>>>abroad came from decent, level-headed sincere people. Most of these
>>>people understood that a certain amount of "pushiness" on our part
>>>simply comes with the superpower territory. The world by and large has
>>>been very tolerant of us.
>>Tolerant of Us!!! Yes, I agree we are the enemy.... NOT. You make it
>>sound like we are not just an Empire (as you put it); but, and Evil
>>Empire and we must be destroyed. The more I read what you have written
>>the more I think it was written by Susan Sarandon.
>The U.S. *is* an evil empire, and has been throughout history. It's not
>100% evil. And not everyone in the U.S. is 100% evil. But if you look
>at history, the U.S. is probably directly responsible for more evil than
>any other nation currently in existence. Look at the tens of millions
>of Native Americans we slaughtered. Look at the hundreds of thousands
>if not millions we killed in Japan with the dropping of two bombs. Even
>if a case can be made for the dropping of the first, it's very difficult
>to make a good humanitarian case for the second.
>If evil can be measured in numbers of "innocent lives lost", then the
>U.S., with those two events alone, wins against Nazi Germany and the
>Holocaust by about 3-4 times.
How do you argue with that logic? I'll just let your words speak for
>>Well, this is where you have shown your true colors. Like the rest of
>>the Left-Wing Liberal Democrats your hatred for Bush is clouding your
>>judgement. Get over it, Al lost.
>>Frankly, I am insulted by all this policatical rediric you spout. You
>>would rather sit back, do nothing and put all our lives in jeopardy.
>>I am really becoming amazed to see how many liberals there are in this
>>club. Am I the only conservative in this group?
>This group is about Linux, not politics. There's no reason to draw
>political lines here. But since we're on the topic... if statistics
>mean anything, we're more likely to have a larger number of "Liberals"
>than "Conservatives".
>Not that such statistics makes either side right. Using such labels is
>probably foolish, anyway. It's hard to find anyone who is liberal on
>all issues, or conservative on all issues. And when you do find someone
>who is completely on either side of the spectrum, they usually don't
>make much sense.
>My personal opinion here is that we should be free to discuss these
>matters, but trying to draw lines between ourselves is foolish and
>should stop immediately.
I agree. But, this thread started it. And everyone wanted to get their
two cents in. But, everyones views seem to be a way left-liberal view.
So, I finally got tired of it when I read Lars post. If I am
tolerating political crap from twelve people then those twelve people
can tolerate political crap from me.
Its seems you are correct that their are more Liberals in this group
than conservatives. But, there is generally more conservatives than
liberals in states with greater numbers of rural population. That's (1)
reason why Bush won the less populous states.
I agree that this thread should stop immediately, I suggested it
probably 12 or more post ago. But, the flames keep coming and I am not
going to back from one of these comments... now.
So, if you want to keep this up I can too. I can handle the
truth.....can you?
I guess if my views are too pro-American you can alway have me removed
from the list, Jon & John.
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- [aclug-L] Re: Richard Reid, (continued)
- [aclug-L] Re: Richard Reid, Tom Hull, 2003/02/02
- [aclug-L] Re: Richard Reid, John Goerzen, 2003/02/02
- [aclug-L] Re: Richard Reid, Tom Hull, 2003/02/02
- [aclug-L] Re: Richard Reid, Jonathan Hall, 2003/02/03
- [aclug-L] Re: Richard Reid, Chris Owen, 2003/02/03
- [aclug-L] Re: Richard Reid, Clint Brubakken, 2003/02/04
- [aclug-L] Re: Richard Reid, Lars von dem Ast, 2003/02/02
- [aclug-L] Re: Richard Reid, Jonathan Hall, 2003/02/03
- [aclug-L] Re: Richard Reid, Chris Owen, 2003/02/03
- [aclug-L] Re: Richard Reid, Michael Moore, 2003/02/03
- [aclug-L] Re: Richard Reid,
Michael Moore <=
- [aclug-L] Re: Richard Reid, flimzy, 2003/02/03
- [aclug-L] Re: Richard Reid, gLaNDix (Jesse Kaufman), 2003/02/03
- [aclug-L] Re: Richard Reid, Michael Moore, 2003/02/03
- [aclug-L] Re: Richard Reid, flimzy, 2003/02/03
- [aclug-L] Re: Richard Reid, Kirk Lancaster, 2003/02/02