Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: discussion: December 2002:
[aclug-L] Re: Linux as an alternative to a Windows desktop

[aclug-L] Re: Linux as an alternative to a Windows desktop

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To: discussion@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [aclug-L] Re: Linux as an alternative to a Windows desktop
From: bruce <bbales@xxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2002 21:00:56 -0600
Reply-to: discussion@xxxxxxxxx

On Monday 16 December 2002 08:29 pm, you wrote:
> Now this thread has taken an interesting tangent.
Another consideration (maybe) - 12 or 15 years ago, some of the 
newer disks NCR was receiving had variable amounts of data on 
different tracks.  Since capacity was limited (at least then) 
to a certain number of bits per mm, the outer tracks could hold 
more data.  So they put more sectors on the outer tracks, then 
mapped it so it looked like all tracks were the same.

The result was that the heads had to move less on the outer 
tracks and the data came off faster (more bits per revolution). 
I suspect this scheme is still used - you'd have to ask a disk 

If it is, it could have a big impact on where the best place to 
put data really is.
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