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[aclug-L] Re: Suggestions?

[aclug-L] Re: Suggestions?

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To: discussion@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [aclug-L] Re: Suggestions?
From: Michael Moore <mrmoore@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 05 Feb 2002 23:01:30 -0600
Reply-to: discussion@xxxxxxxxx

gLaNDix (Jesse Kaufman) wrote:

>On Tue, Feb 05, 2002 06:M pm, you wrote:
>>I am also a Linux newbie.  I have only been using Linux since November.
>> I have been using it at home to do things that I did before with M$.
>>As far as specific things I am wanting to know, I don't have that many.
>> Most of things I want to do is become more familiar with Linux.
>>The Man pages and Info pages are sometimes helpful.  Also, there are
>>some good books and tuturials that are available online.
>>I too would like to take some Linux classes.  First, one that would help
>>me become more famaliar with using Linux and its commands.
>this is a little earlier than i wanted it to get out (mainly because of lack 
>of information), but i'm keeping a fairly detailed archive of my Linux notes 
>online...  my professor here at Hesston College (Bob, for anyone who's 
>attended HC) has "hired" me to teach 15-20 minute "Linux Lessons" at the 
>beginning of our Novell Service & Support course...  since we obviously have 
>no official text book, i've been keeping the notes on my webpage 
>( ... the last slash is important) so the other 
>students in the class have a reference if Bob decides to use some on an 
>exam...  granted, i make no claim of 100% accuracy, especially because when i 
>write the lessons using my FreeBSD machine, but it's a start...  if some of 
>the bigger "gurus" of the group wouldn't mind doing a quick look-over and 
>provide some /constructive/ critizism, i'd be grateful...  
>mind you, these lessons may be incredibly dull and "too-newbie" for you...  
>the other students in the class have had absolutely no experience with Linux 
>before, so I have to start with the basics...
>>Some things I'm wanting to learn:
>>1) I previouly had my M$ computers networked together.  Now that one of
>>them is running Linux I want to network it with my other M$ computers so
>>that I can share printers and files.
>check out ... SAMBA basically makes your Linux computer look 
>like a WinNT computer on the workgroup, allowing you to access files as if 
>they were shared on an NT computer...  I can't personally help out much, as 
>I've barely used it... I wimped out and used some web-based config program 
>that worked VERY easily...  I apologize, but I can't remember the name...  it 
>was something like STAN or SNAP or something...  it was in Mandrake 8.1, so 
>it very well might be in RH7.2
>>might be able to do this using the cfdisk command.  I can't seem to get
>>the cfdisk command to work or I just don't know how to use it.  Any
>sorry, can't help out here, as i haven't used cfdisk in quite some time....
>good luck!  feel free to ask questions...  personally, i think ACLUG could 
>use some more questions asked...  i've been a mailing-list regular for quite 
>some time and have made it to a few mtgs (back in the "goerzen days"... 
>unfortunately my current schedule conflicts with just about any meeting 
>time)... I'm not an expert by any means, but i'm always monitoring the list 
>to see if there are any questions i can help out with!
>(Jesse Kaufman)
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Thanks alot for the help...I'll checkout your website.  The learning 
curve hasn't been too bad.  I think having taught myself C++(Boland) 
back in the early 90's and then having taken a C class at WSU in 1993 
was helpful....of course, I've forgotten a lot since I haven't written 
any kind of programs in the last 7 years.
I wish I had switched to Linux years ago.  But, I just never heard much 
about it.  I didn't even know it was written in C until I installed it 
and started doing some reading about it.  About all I heard was M$ 
bashing......which I don't blame them I've been feed up with M$'s 
operating system for years now....but, I just didn't hear anybody 
praising all the good things about Linux.  I still hear Linux users 
frightening possible Linux newbies away be telling how difficult a Linux 
install can be.

During the Christmas holiday I did get to spend a lot of time playing 
with Linux and getting more famialiar with; plus, getting some reading 
done on the subject.  But, since the holidays are over I spend my days 
at work using M$ run computers and only get to spend an hour or two in 
the evenings with my Linux box.

By the way, does anybody out there have their system hooked up as a 
"Home Automation System (X10)"?
Some websites that sell components are: , 
I was just wondering if anybody else had one running?

Of course, it is to late to send a letter/email in; but, here is the url 
of the settlement (Kansas didn't agree - which is good) between US vs M$.

In the next url there is a good letter about whats wrong with the 

In this last url there is a summary about whats wrong with the 
settlement signed by 2366 people.

In case anybody is interested the Thunder lost tonight....but at least 
they skated hard.  I'm  pretty sure I was the only one there with a 
Linux Journal magizine.....which I was reading between periods.


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