Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv: January 2006:
[Freeciv] Re: RFE: terrain improvement: canal

[Freeciv] Re: RFE: terrain improvement: canal

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To: freeciv@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv] Re: RFE: terrain improvement: canal
From: nicholas.g.lawrence@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2006 10:07:00 +1000

freeciv-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote on 13/01/2006 07:51:03 PM:

> > "attach"?
> > what do you mean?

> lol that was meant to read 'attack'. You knew what I
> meant, of course, it's an old wish to be able to
> attack river cities by moving ships down or up the
> river.

Another approach may be to create a new military
unit "raft" or "canal boat" which would be a vehicle
restricted to moving on rivers and/or irrigated tiles.


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