Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: December 2003:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#7021) fighting ICS (was: allies give all their tec

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#7021) fighting ICS (was: allies give all their tec

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To: undisclosed-recipients: ;
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#7021) fighting ICS (was: allies give all their techs for nothing)
From: "Brandon J. Van Every" <vanevery@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2003 19:18:06 -0800
Reply-to: rt@xxxxxxxxxxx

<URL: >

I will start a new thread about this.

From: ue80@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:ue80@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> > 
> > What if you implement *MIGRATION* in Freeciv?
> Think the distance of 6 is artificial, think the migration could be
> worldwide, as it is in the real world.

But you'd need a tech curve for migration.  After all, walking over the Bering 
Straits was a big deal once upon a time!  In the ancient world, a Greek army 
detachment could get lost as far away as India.  In the Rennaisance, traveling 
to the New World wasn't for the faint of heart!  In Colonial America it was the 
lower rungs of society that mostly pushed westward, the upper crust certainly 
didn't need to.  In the 20th century you have huge populations fleeing 
dictators and communist governments, and the same preventing them from doing so.

> But then it should be possible that cities starve to.
> I think there can be a modell which implements your idea, but 
> the way to
> make it playable is far. I like your idea, so i would help you.
> Say what you need for it.

Well to date, I've never even gotten a Windows compilation of Freeciv working.  
Admittedly, I haven't tried in a month.  The other thing I'd need, is not 
having to futz with a lot of C code.  I abhor C.  I don't even want to do C++ 
anymore, I'm turning into a higher level language guy.

I think what I can do for now, is talk about a Migration model if other people 
are interested in it.  Defining the model, then we could look at what it would 
take to implement it.  Myself, I can't justify doing tons of work for it.  I 
have my own 4X TBS project, Ocean Mars, that I need to do the vast majority of 
my work for.  And, doing my Ocean Mars work, I can have any Migration models I 
want, "from scratch," clean slate, in Python.  But if a Migration model could 
be achieved in Freeciv with modest effort, and not necessarily by me, then I'd 
help with it.

So let's see what people want / don't want first.

Brandon Van Every               Seattle, WA

20% of the world is real.
80% is gobbledygook we make up inside our own heads.

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