Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: December 2003:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#7021) fighting ICS (was: allies give all their tec

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#7021) fighting ICS (was: allies give all their tec

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To: undisclosed-recipients: ;
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#7021) fighting ICS (was: allies give all their techs for nothing)
From: "Brandon J. Van Every" <vanevery@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2003 11:15:47 -0800
Reply-to: rt@xxxxxxxxxxx

<URL: >

From: jjc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:jjc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> <URL: >
> >
> >in the real world you need the following to build things:
> > 
> > - raw materials
> > - industrial infrastructure
> > - finance
> > - manpower
> > 
> > You could impose restrictions in *all four* categories for 
> various unit types.    If a city doesn't have enough of each 
> of these things, it can't make the unit.
> In the real world, (especially after railroads/canals were 
> built) all of these 
> can be reasonably easily transported (except for industrial 
> infrastructure).
> In freeciv, even things it has like food and shields can't be 
> transported.

Hm.  Well, that's not quite so true of population.  People move, but most don't 
go for long commutes every day.

What if you implement *MIGRATION* in Freeciv?  All those little Piece Of Shit 
cities, people are deciding whether they like 'em or not.  Whether they've got 
jobs there or not.  Let's say, within a radius of 6 movement points, people are 
looking for a better deal.  There's some measure of how much they like where 
they're at (X), how much of a burden it would be to move (Y), and how much they 
would like somewhere else (Z).  When X + Y < Z, people migrate to the better 

Migration would mean food boxes are taken away from one city and given to 
another.  The rate of migration could potentially exceed the rate of food 
production.  Thus a drop in population is not Famine, a different message 
should be displayed about what's happening.

So the end result is, by building some city improvements, you end up with huge 
cities surrounded by little cities.  Just like the real world!  Let's face it, 
there's plenty of Smallpox in the real world, there's just lotsa Bigpox too.

With such a Migration mechanism, one might eventually do away with the 
celebration / rapture / boom rules.  You could also get Migration from foreign 
lands.  You could have immigration / emmigration restrictions depending on your 
government style.

Brandon Van Every               Seattle, WA

"Desperation is the motherfucker of Invention." - Robert Prestridge

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