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[Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#6721) A Quincuncial topology

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#6721) A Quincuncial topology

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To: rt-guest@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#6721) A Quincuncial topology
From: "Marcelo Burda" <mburda@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 8 Dec 2003 10:02:51 -0800
Reply-to: rt@xxxxxxxxxxx

<URL: >

FIRST: There is a new bug introduced near cvs-Dec-06 realated to value
of xsize, and ysize in Torus topologie, this bug apear there too! if a
problem get a 40-40 map this work (#7066) 

Le lun 08/12/2003 à 15:53, rwetmore@xxxxxxxxxxxx a écrit :
> <URL: >
> Jason Short wrote:
> > <URL: >
> > 
> > I'm not happy with the use of is_reversed everywhere.  I think this is a
> > hack that isn't mathematically clean. 
> Agreed. There is no need for it *ever*. Just call a function which checks
ever!, sorry i not agreed
> whether the map coordinate is outside the normal region, as opposed to the
> supra-normal region (i.e. includes a specific set of cached regions
> organized for doing supra-normalization).
not realy clear for me
> One stores only a single quantity in the map structure that determines if
> there are multiple cached regions. Coordinate transformations can do these
> checks without any additional arguments being passed.
yes, but some time we need to nealy normalize, i no like to normalize 10
time the some cordinate, normalize is no more so simple.
> > It causes problems when we try to
> > do things like have mobius-strip maps.
> I think you still haven't thought through mobius. 
probably, but it is not the first point to speak now
> There is a single normal
> region that is double the size you expect, but only if you moved through
> the map or over the edge would you ever need to relate half-normal parts.
Yes a mobius topologiy can view as the cylinder topology (classical)
then this view as no interes.
But if we choice to alow traverse the edge we get a  new topology
(a offset-wrapping in Y as defined in #6832 and simple wrapping in X ),
this is a more interesting view. From today i call it a movius-topology,
and we not need reverse of any type. (sorry for Jason too :-) ) this is
realy simple to code. if you like i can add it to my code ;-). then we
can end this problem.

> This is really nothing like the above case. Mobius is just a standard map
> in all reasonable uses. The normal set is the full mobius strip.
historicaly Jason get something (not a movius-topology) like it, 

> Try considering normal regions, cached normal regions and special teleports
> as the concepts to decide some of these things.
return to the quincuncial problemes:
i no undestand "cached normal regions"

> > Instead track an orientation of the tile: a direction8 value.  I think
> > this will give more understandable code and also allow more future
> > topologies.
> Absolutely not. You are storing and passing redundant data that is trivially
> computed from a single piece of map-global info and any coordinate pair. It
Trivial, no soo trivial. is_reverse is realy a reversion decriptor for
all posibles, actuly only a 180°.
AND the normalize is no more a trivial procesus, there is best to make
ONE Full normalize then pass the reverse_descriptor. but it is not best
all the times, some time we prefer to no normalize at all.
> is also leading you down wrong paths in thinking about what the critical
> elements of this need to be.
> You just want to *supra-normalize* is some cases, rather than *normalize*.
Yes, but exactly What is supra-normalize for you?
> But you never want to completely remove *normal set* aspects and constraints.
> > Background:
> > 
> > is_reversed is a boolean value that applies to a particular position. 
> > If it is true, then the particular invocation of the position that we're
> > dealing with is reversed as compared to the normalized version of that
> > position.  So when we normalize the position we determine whether or not
> > it is reversed.
> > 
> > It probably makes more sense with an example.  There is an
> > adjc_dir_iterate_isreversed macro.  It's just like adjc_dir_iterate
> > except it also gives an is_reversed flag for each position returned
> > (determined via a specialized normalize operation).  So the code in path
> > finding to iterate around a particular position goes like:
> > 
> >   adjc_dir_iterate_isreversed(x0, y0, x1, y1, dir, is_reversed) {
> >     node1 = get_node(x1, y1);
> >     /* ... */
> >     node1->path_to_here = normalize_dir(dir, is_reversed);
> >   } adjc_dir_iterate_isreversed_end;
> > 
> > normalize_dir, of course, just reverses the direction if the is_reversed
> > flag is set.
> Since is_reversed is a trivially computed quantity given any map coordinate,
> there is no need to have special macros, or store additional values. This
> is just worthless overhead and obscures the real needs.
> > This is a prime example of (current) code that won't work without
> > changes when the map is not well-oriented, so some type of change is
> > needed here.  But I think the is_reversed method is not a good one.
> Concept should be *is_cached*, i.e. this is a member of a supra-normal
> set of map coordinates that is used for convenience, but greater than
> the normal set that determines things like equivalent positions.
> I think much of what you are suggesting below applies whether one uses a
> functional test or a functional test of a cached bit.
> > Mathematically, I think it's not a clean solution.  In the above case,
> > the is_reversed flag applies to the pre-normalized (x1,y1) position - a
> > value that doesn't even exist.  We're passing around a flag that doesn't
> > have meaning outside of its direct context.  The result is that the code
> > is not very intuitive.  It also prevents any future topology from having
> > orientation other than standard or reversed.
> > 
> > In general, I think we have to do normalization of directions along with
> > their original position.  For instance instead of keeping around the
> > is_reversed value we should take the pre-normalized position and call
> > 
> >   dir = normalize_dir(x1, y1, dir);
> > 
> > on the direction, or better yet
> > 
> >   normalize_vector(&x1, &y1, &dir);
> > 
> > Now in the above case I think all the work should be done by the macro.
> >  So the code should read
> > 
> > 
> >   adjc_dir_iterate_full(0, y0, x1, y1, dir0, dir1) {
> >     node1 = get_node(x1, y1);
> >     /* ... */
> >     node1->path_to_here = dir1;
> >   } adjc_dir_iterate_full_end;
> > 
> > where dir1 is the version of dir0, with respect to (x1, y1).  (Better,
> > we could return the direction needed to get from (x1,y1) back to
> > (x0,y0).  Thus (x0,y0,dir0) is the inverse vector of (x1,y1,dir1).  The
> > important point is that dir0 is relative to (x0,y0) while dir1 is
> > relative to (x1,y1).  And dir1 has a concrete meaning that programmers
> > can wrap their minds around.
> > 
> > In general, rather than tracking an is_reversed value we should track
> > the orientation of the tile in terms of a direction (a direction8).  And
> > instead of tracking directions and orientations separately, we should
> > track _vectors_ wherever possible.
> > 
> > jason
> Cheers,
> RossW
> =====

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