Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: December 2003:
[Freeciv-Dev] (PR#7045) Re: (PR#7051) Server options, rulesets, and usab

[Freeciv-Dev] (PR#7045) Re: (PR#7051) Server options, rulesets, and usab

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To: raven@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] (PR#7045) Re: (PR#7051) Server options, rulesets, and usability.
From: "Arnstein Lindgard" <a-l@xxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 6 Dec 2003 04:25:02 -0800
Reply-to: rt@xxxxxxxxxxx

<URL: >

On Fri, 5 Dec 2003 15:43:35 -0800 raven@xxxxxxxxx wrote:

> Arnstein:  I would be interested to hear the reasons for your strong
> distaste for server-options.

I sometimes see people advertising "no smallpox" on pubserver and
setting up the game with arbitrary limitations like notradesize,
which do not solve their problem. I think they know that if one of
the smallpoxers joined, they have lost before the game begins.. the
point has been proved many times.

A linux community has a natural tendency to favor customization, and
I think the adding of more and more new options has been going on
unchecked for a long time without providing comprehensive solutions.
So I thought I'd say, give them One Clearly Defined Button which just
does what they expect it to, like

  Smallpox: OFF

They really must be desperate to use notradesize.. the majority are
probably looking for a certain game style, not quantity of options.

If we could retain customizability for hackers like yourself I would
see it as a bonus :-)

Whether or not the issue is smallpox, Freeciv should emphasize
implementing balanced play modes. Since much tuning will be required
for a complex game like this, it's important that feedback come from
people playing the same mode.

> Personally, I would be happier if the units, techs, and buildings rulesets
> were made more available to edit for multiplayer (pubserver) games.

I would start with making sure that city improvements are useful at
all. But you could be right, modifying the cost and properties of
improvements and units could help, if put in context.

> rather than spend 5 minutes resetting
> everything individually, every time.

A "reset all options to default" command maybe.

> and have it so you can click on the name of
> an option and get more information on how that relates to the game

Very user friendly.

> Ideally, styles could be saved on the
> pubserver for pubserver games, there would be a public database of all the
> contributed civstyles, and each style could have an "Author's Notes"
> section, explaining important details to be aware of, and what the author
> had in mind (long games, short games, etc.)

What a mess. After years of development, we still only have one
working play style: unlimited smallpox warfare. If we slashed most of
the options, implemented The Anti Smallpox Button, worked long and
hard on feedback, carefully adjusting and fine-tuning the internal
variables, then maybe we could eventually get one more balanced mode
that makes overall sense.

Some variables, like "diplchance", stand on their own merits and make
a different game. "Foodbox" etcetera are petty variables that should
only be available to modpack creators.


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