Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: May 2002:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: 100% Civ II Compliance - still a development goal?

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: 100% Civ II Compliance - still a development goal?

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To: "Mark Metson" <markm@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, <freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: 100% Civ II Compliance - still a development goal?
From: "Sam Barnett-Cormack" <sambc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 15 May 2002 14:30:30 +0100

> -----Original Message-----
> From: freeciv-dev-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxx
> [mailto:freeciv-dev-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Mark Metson

> No wonder moneyholics (those who fund the mentalists who produce PayCiv,
> for example) tend to be fundamentalists when it comes to compatability
> with the pay version. They have been so thoroughly brainwashed into
> preferring to have to pay that they wont accept a free substitute unless
> it does what the costly thing does, and then probably will go right out
> and buy the new pay version even though the next paid version
> does in fact
> not do precisely the same thing as the prior one that they tried to get
> the free one to copy! Insanity! If they dont want the next
> for-pay version
> to be an exact identical clone of the previous for-pay version why the
> heck should the free version be precisely the same as the old for-pay
> version? It would make more sense for the free version to be
> precisely the
> same as the not yet created next for-pay version, so that there
> will be no
> need for for-pay versions anymore.

No, I'm not saying "we should be fully CivII compatible because CivII is the
best" (repeat by rote) but I am saying "If we are still stating CivII
compatibility as a goal, we ought to work towards it". Abandon it as a goal
and I won't give two hoots, but as it is a stated goal we ought to persue

I've (briefly) played CivIII. Quite nice, but I found it 'felt' oddly like
freeciv in some undefinable way. Certainly we ought to take on some CivIII
features, as they are good, but I'm not saying "make it like CivIII now"
because we haven't stated that as a goal.

And I never suggested that the free version should be identical to CivII -
just that there is an option to make it as close as possible, or indeed to
mix an match features.

> What, if anything, is the difference between Hari Krishna devotees and
> money-junkies / moneyholics ?????

umm... HKs follow a recognised and not too daft religion, and you do get
some HKs who aren't annoying about it, just like you get christians who
aren't annoying about it, and atheists who aren't annoying about it.

All in all, your post seems a derogatory rant at those advocating
compatibility *options* in freeciv, to make it play closely to CivII *when*
*you* *want* *it* *to*... and I feel justified in taking moderate offence at
the misrepresentation and insults.

Sam Barnett-Cormack
Software Developer
UK Mirror Service (

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