[Freeciv-Dev] Re: 100% Civ II Compliance - still a development goal?
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Davide Pagnin (nightmare@xxxxxxxxxx) wrote:
> Civ II 100% compliance Manifesto
> --------------------------------
> Different implementation of effects :
> - Luxury is capped to double city size in civ II
> (already submitted as a freeciv bug)
> - Specialists are taken from more happy citizen in civ II
> (already submitted as a freeciv bug)
> - food cost of settlers in communist government is 2 under civ II
> (civ II ruleset of freeciv state that this cost is 1...)
> - Players made move in a phased fashion in civ II
> (this eliminates the "feature" problem of goto moves)
> - effects of unhappiness versus number of cities are different in civ II
> (freeciv have a threshold effect compared to the smoothness of civ II)
- Fundamentalist government effects (immune to unhappiness, buildings
which normally give unhappiness give gold instead, Spy/Diplomat black
ops don't give a "reputation" penalty, 10 units supported per city
without upkeep, Fundamentalist unit never requires upkeep, 50% science).
Greg Wooledge | "Truth belongs to everybody."
greg@xxxxxxxxxxxx | - The Red Hot Chili Peppers
http://wooledge.org/~greg/ |
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[Freeciv-Dev] Re: 100% Civ II Compliance - still a development goal?, Raimar Falke, 2002/05/14