Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: May 2002:
[Freeciv-Dev] 100% Civ II Compliance - still a development goal?

[Freeciv-Dev] 100% Civ II Compliance - still a development goal?

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] 100% Civ II Compliance - still a development goal?
From: Davide Pagnin <nightmare@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 12 May 2002 20:18:39 +0200

        Hi all!

After the 2 post about luxury cap and specialist effects, I want to
my point of view to the entire 100% civ II compliance.

It is stated in the Roadmap for 2.0.0 the Freeciv want to reach complete
Civ II
compliance, thus it is a very strange behaviour the reluctance
of many on the list to have civ II features go into the CVS.

I can understand that freeciv is a different game from civ II, so it has
his rules and difference, and it has also many more feature.

What is wrong is to not allow the reaching of the compatibility, even
more if
this means to have more feature present and possible for freeciv.

In this mail I want to write what can be called a 

Civ II 100% compliance Manifesto

Which civ II features lacks in freeciv:

- The Senate for republic and democracy
- The Concept of waste (corruption applied on production)
- trade style based on supply/demand 
- Military kill/loss ratio display
- Different behaviour of some wonders (Leonardo, United Nation, Great
- Different behaviour of some improvement (Nuclear Plant:No meltdown)
- Lack of some wonders (Eiffel Tower)
- Lack of some improvement (Solar plant)

Different implementation of effects :

- Luxury is capped to double city size in civ II
  (already submitted as a freeciv bug)
- Specialists are taken from more happy citizen in civ II
  (already submitted as a freeciv bug)
- food cost of settlers in communist government is 2 under civ II
  (civ II ruleset of freeciv state that this cost is 1...)
- Players made move in a phased fashion in civ II 
  (this eliminates the "feature" problem of goto moves)
- effects of unhappiness versus number of cities are different in civ II
  (freeciv have a threshold effect compared to the smoothness of civ II)

End of Manifesto

Every contribute to this Manifesto will be greatly appreciated and
I hope that this document could make his way into the web site 
(in the roadmap?, in the Todo List?) and obviously I'm definitely
for maintaining the goal of civ II compliance and for endorsing it.

I've to add to this Manifesto that for reaching Civ II compliance goal,
we have to get rid of the civstyle=2 default in freeciv.
I think that civstyle has to be renamed modpackstyle, and that a list of
modpack has to be shipped with freeciv, so that the civ II modpack tries
emulate in the best way civ II, instead freeciv modpack tries to
have is own "original" rules.
For this reason I endorse completely the impr-gen patch by ben webb,
would make very easy to get rid of the old civ2style parameter.
Moreover, I read that Per is planning to make a PHASE_TURN patch, which
is the second more important thing to do.
And Raahul has volunteered for the waste effect, do you?
And when I'll have more time I can try to implement the smooth
patch, that some time ago Mike Jing tried to do, but without reaching
the goal.
(There where lack of consensus on how to implement the thing).

        Ciao, Davide

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