Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: May 2002:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Civ 2 style happiness (PR#1436)

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Civ 2 style happiness (PR#1436)

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: Civ 2 style happiness (PR#1436)
From: Greg Wooledge <greg@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 11 May 2002 16:37:02 -0400

Ross W. Wetmore (rwetmore@xxxxxxxxxxxx) wrote:

> Elvis boost luxury, scientists research and taxmen income from the
> trade.
> So, elvis specialists will improve the happiness levels while the
> others don't.

There's a subtle effect (at least in PayCiv) whereby making a specialist
of *any* type decreases the effective population (number of workers)
in the city.  So sometimes you can make a city stop rioting by making a
scientist or taxman, simply because there is now one less person who's
*capable* of being unhappy.

For example, suppose you have a size 6 base (city), on Transcend (highest)
difficulty setting in SMAC, and you aren't over the bureaucracy limit.
Without any base facilities (buildings) or psych (luxury), you'll have
one worker (content citizen) and 5 drones (unhappy ones).  If you have
a Recreation Commons (Temple), this converts 2 drones to workers, so
you have 3 workers + 3 drones.  Now let's suppose you make one worker a
Doctor (Elvis).  This generates 2 psych (luxury), but it *also* decreases
your effective population from 6 to 5.  So you now have the following:

  Base        RecCommons   Psych
  ---------   ----------   ---------
  1 workers   3 workers    1 talent (happy citizen)
  4 drones    2 drones     2 workers
  1 doctor    1 doctor     2 drones
                           1 doctor

Now in order to avoid riots you still need to make one more talent,
or make 1 less drone.  If you're in certain SE settings (governments),
you can use police (martial law) for this.  If you aren't, then perhaps
you'll make a Librarian (Scientist):

  Base          RecCommons    Psych
  -----------   -----------   -----------
  1 worker      3 workers     1 talent
  3 drones      1 drone       2 workers
  1 doctor      1 doctor      1 drone
  1 librarian   1 librarian   1 doctor
                              1 librarian

So, we've made our base stop rioting by making a Librarian.  This is the
SMAC behavior; and to the best of my knowledge the same applies in Civ2
(but I'm far more familiar with SMAC).

Greg Wooledge                  |   "Truth belongs to everybody."
greg@xxxxxxxxxxxx              |    - The Red Hot Chili Peppers     |

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