Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: May 1999:
Re: [Freeciv-Dev] ship goto bugs

Re: [Freeciv-Dev] ship goto bugs

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Freeciv-Dev] ship goto bugs
From: "Bobby D. Bryant" <bdbryant@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 13 May 1999 20:57:00 -0500

David Pfitzner wrote:

> Bobby D. Bryant wrote:
> >  o Boats exiting a square containing other boats carrying passengers will
> > sometimes steal those passengers.  (A problem in Civ I as well, but fixed
> > in Civ II, IIRC.)
> Fixed how?  That is, what are the interface mechanics of deciding
> when/how units are bound/unbound to a ship?  Does it deal with
> ships moving through cities?  How?

It's been a while since I played Civ II, but IIRC boats pass through boats and
all the passengers stay in the boat they were originally in, but boats entering
a city automatically dump all their passengers as soon as they enter.  (I think
a boat entering a city also automatically wakes up all sentry units already in
the city, but I'm less sure about this.)

Boats leaving a city take up to their maximum capacity of units already on
sentry in the city, with no discernible rule as to which ones it chooses if
there are more than the boat's capacity.  (I always had to call up the city,
take everyone out of sentry unless I wanted them to ride the boat, exit the
city, move the boat, and finally put the rest back on sentry duty.)

And then the obvious, for completeness' sake:

You can also load a unit by having the unit move onto a boat that is adjacent to
the shore (or a flying unit onto a boat not adjacent to shore).  I don't think
you have any control over which ship it enters if there are more than one ship
with spare capacity stacked together.

You can also unload a unit by clicking the ship to bring up the "stack" display,
clicking the desired unit to activate it, and then moving the unit to any
adjacent land (or sea, if flying).

Finally, you can use the "Unload" order to activate all the units aboard a ship,
and then move them off as described above.

I never tried deliberately transshipping units at sea.  Other than that
possibility, I think the above is the full range of possibilities for getting
on/off a ship in Civ II.  Civ I behaved differently in at least one regard, as
quoted above.

Does anyone else remember it that way?  I'm 99% sure of everything except the
two claims about boats entering a city.


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