Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: linux-help: December 2001:
[linux-help] Re: Red Hat 7.2 & grip

[linux-help] Re: Red Hat 7.2 & grip

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To: linux-help@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [linux-help] Re: Red Hat 7.2 & grip
From: Anne McCadden <amccadden@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2001 21:57:49 -0600
Reply-to: linux-help@xxxxxxxxx

Yes, Red Hat does install Grip by default as well as Pan.  I was really
tired while trying to get Grip to work, the program said that the
couldn't find the path to the encoder executable.  I was trying to use
the whereis command to try to find the path to the encoder and couldn't
find it.  I did find some interesting web sites that gives info on Grip,
various encoders and databases to store and retrieve the mp3 files as
needed.  I will look at the man and info pages again when I am not so
sleep deprived.  Thanks for the input.  I hope to see you at the next

Have you tried Pan?  It is a great program and FREE.  I like it better
than Agent.  It is what I use to download mp3 files with.  Now I am
running out of hard drive space and mounting additional partitions into
my home directory.  The 30gb hard drive is getting full.  ttyl ~Ironrose

Michael Moore wrote:

> I just starting using Grip for the first time this evening and I read
> the man & info pages on it.  I was able to rip some CD's.
> Red Hat 7.2 should have installed (by default) Grip executable in the
> /usr/bin directory.
> If you should decide to rip and encode mp3 it should place the files in
> your home directory under your default encoder.  If your default decoder
> is oggenc then you should find your ripped+encoded files in /home/ogg
> directory.
> After you have confirmed that you indeed have Grip then you might make
> sure your permissions are set correctly on Grip and your CD drive so you
> can rip it under your user account.
> Hope this helps.  I have only been using Grip for the last couple of
> hours and I have only been using Linux for one month now.  So, maybe
> somebody else can help you out more than I.
> I haven't made it to one of the meetings yet.  I heard they had one this
> evening.  I plan on attending the next one.  When would that be?  Since,
> the 1st is a Holiday will the next meeting be on the 8th or 15th?
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