Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: linux-help: May 2001:
[linux-help] Re: forget root password

[linux-help] Re: forget root password

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To: linux-help@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [linux-help] Re: forget root password
From: j m wagle <jmwagle@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 19 May 2001 21:49:17 -0500
Reply-to: linux-help@xxxxxxxxx

That fixed it.
what I learned was the following:
when I 'useradd' the new user (with the group, and uid the same) I noticed that
instead of a 'blank' or an 'x' the system had placed a '!!' (two exclamation
marks), when I replaced the blanks with '!!' (via vi), then the function
'passwd' was able to change root's password. and everything (including su) is
working again.....

thank you so much for staying with me and my problem,

mike wagle,
wichita, ks.

Abdul Basit wrote:

> ok kick root !
> boot in super user mode ..
> and you already told that your user logins work
> suppose you have a user named basit
> the entry in /etc/passwd will look like
> basit:x:100:101:/home/basit:/bin/bash
> boot in super-user mode ..
> edit /etc/passwd
> edit line of your userid
> and make it as like
> basit:x:0:0:/home/basit:/bin/bash
> and then reboot
> and login with that userid ...
> you should login now ..
> as this user was already working
> with supplied passwords
> but now we have given him super privileges..
> try it and let me know back
> basit


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