[linux-help] Re: deleting hidden directory and files
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Personal Experience:
Use find / -nouser -o -nogroup. This command will help you find a bunch of
these little 'gotchas'. To remove the directory you list here, do an 'rm -rf
'/usr/man/man1/.. '(note the space after the two dots). You may also find a
directory whose name is three spaces, which can be removed by using the
single-quotes as well.
-----Original Message-----
From: linux-help-bounce@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:linux-help-bounce@xxxxxxxxx]On
Behalf Of j m wagle
Sent: Sunday, May 20, 2001 10:45 PM
To: linux-help@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [linux-help] Re: deleting hidden directory and files
I guess I've been 'hacked'. Now I need help deleting some peculiar looking
files. I am no linux expert. I have found and deleted some but the
is a problem. I have found a directory with the following 'name' (please
I have included the parenthesis but every character, space is part of the
"/usr/man/man1/.. /.dir"
this 'directory contains the following files:
/usr/man/man1/.. /.dir/snif
/usr/man/man1/.. /.dir/klog
/usr/man/man1/.. /.dir/crush
/usr/man/man1/.. /.dir/create
/usr/man/man1/.. /.dir/s
/usr/man/man1/.. /.dir/w
/usr/man/man1/.. /.dir/log
/usr/man/man1/.. /.dir/sc
/usr/man/man1/.. /.dir/sc/ben
/usr/man/man1/.. /.dir/sc/ben.c
/usr/man/man1/.. /.dir/sc/core
/usr/man/man1/.. /.dir/sc/osscan
/usr/man/man1/.. /.dir/sc/pscan.c
/usr/man/man1/.. /.dir/sc/scan
/usr/man/man1/.. /.dir/sc/wus
/usr/man/man1/.. /.dir/chipsul
Please note: I DO NOT wish to delete my entire /usr/man/man1 directory (I
you understand why).
thanks in advance,
mike wagle,
wichita, ks
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- [linux-help] Re: deleting hidden directory and files,
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