Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: May 2004:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#8627) best overview for iso-maps

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#8627) best overview for iso-maps

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To: undisclosed-recipients: ;
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#8627) best overview for iso-maps
From: "Marcelo Burda" <mburda@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 13 May 2004 00:33:51 -0700
Reply-to: rt@xxxxxxxxxxx

<URL: >

Le jeu 13/05/2004 à 04:41, Jason Short a écrit :
> <URL: >

Am thinkung to extend overview struct to avoid globals vars. no more
see last code. (there is incomplete work about new fonctionalities in
selected topologies)

> constant values?  You shouldn't do this.  They should be adjusted based 
> on the height of the map.
There are not constant but based on OVERVIEW_TILE_SIZE, this single var
is scaled to size ov view. this is important because in some part of
code i need to use the base  OVERVIEW_TILE_SIZE to calculate
over_positions and not the OVERVIEW_TILE_WIDTH. this last and ..._HEIGHT
are only used to paint.
code as
 *overview_x = overview.TILE_SIZE * ovr_x;
 *overview_y = overview.TILE_SIZE * ovr_y;
need a test for TF_ISO if i use OVERVIEW_TILE_WIDTH as you propose

> I suggest something like:
> climap.h:
>    /* Number of tile units in a covering natural tile. */
>    #define NATURAL_TILE_WIDTH (topo_has_flag(TF_ISO) ? 2 : 1)
>    #define NATURAL_TILE_HEIGHT 1

> tilespec.h:
>    int overview_tile_width, overview_tile_height;
>    #define OVERVIEW_TILE_WIDTH (overview_tile_width * NATURAL_TILE_WIDTH)
>    #define OVERVIEW_TILE_HEIGHT (overview_tile_height * \
>                                  NATURAL_TILE_HEIGHT);
> packhand.c (or mapview_common.c):
>    overview_tile_width = 120 / NATURAL_WIDTH;
>    overview_tile_height = OVERVIEW_TILE_WIDTH;
no good if NATURAL_WIDTH are more than 120 
> There are other ways to do it.  But:
> 1.  The overview tile size should be scaled to keep the overview width 
> around 120.
> 2.  The TF_ISO check should only be done in one place when calculating 
> overview tile width.

> jason
there inlude 2 files. the overview_tuning51.diff. where i am make near
zero changes(finished for me) and a new one where i am experimenting
with news ideas.
Probably the best is get finished and aply this patch and open a new
thicket with the new one!
 . /  .     '    ,    .      (*)   '        `     '      `    .    
  |    ,  |   `     ,     .      ,   '  Marcelo Julián Burda      .
 /  '     \     `     \@_     '      .        '      `        '    

diff -ruN -Xdiff_ignore freeciv/client/climap.h freeciv_/client/climap.h
--- freeciv/client/climap.h     2003-04-23 19:08:50.000000000 +0200
+++ freeciv_/client/climap.h    2004-05-12 17:28:41.000000000 +0200
@@ -24,4 +24,8 @@
 enum direction8 gui_to_map_dir(enum direction8 gui_dir);
 enum direction8 map_to_gui_dir(enum direction8 map_dir);
+        ((topo_has_flag(TF_ISO) ? 2 : 1) * OVERVIEW_TILE_SIZE)
diff -ruN -Xdiff_ignore freeciv/client/mapview_common.c 
--- freeciv/client/mapview_common.c     2004-05-12 17:18:11.000000000 +0200
+++ freeciv_/client/mapview_common.c    2004-05-12 17:24:30.000000000 +0200
@@ -1995,8 +1995,8 @@
     struct canvas *src =;
-    int x = overview.map_x0 * OVERVIEW_TILE_WIDTH;
-    int y = overview.map_y0 * OVERVIEW_TILE_HEIGHT;
+    int x = overview.map_x0 * OVERVIEW_TILE_SIZE;
+    int y = overview.map_y0 * OVERVIEW_TILE_SIZE;
     int ix = overview.width - x;
     int iy = overview.height - y;
@@ -2049,23 +2049,24 @@
 static void center_tile_overviewcanvas(int map_x, int map_y)
-  /* The overview coordinates are equivalent to native coordinates. */
-  map_to_native_pos(&map_x, &map_y, map_x, map_y);
+  /* The overview coordinates are equivalent to natural coordinates. */
+  do_in_natural_pos(ntl_x, ntl_y, map_x, map_y) {
-  /* NOTE: this embeds the map wrapping in the overview code.  This is
-   * basically necessary for the overview to be efficiently
-   * updated. */
-  if (topo_has_flag(TF_WRAPX)) {
-    overview.map_x0 = FC_WRAP(map_x - map.xsize / 2, map.xsize);
-  } else {
-    overview.map_x0 = 0;
-  }
-  if (topo_has_flag(TF_WRAPY)) {
-    overview.map_y0 = FC_WRAP(map_y - map.ysize / 2, map.ysize);
-  } else {
-    overview.map_y0 = 0;
-  }
-  redraw_overview();
+    /* NOTE: this embeds the map wrapping in the overview code.  This is
+     * basically necessary for the overview to be efficiently
+     * updated. */
+      if (topo_has_flag(TF_WRAPX)) {
+       overview.map_x0 = FC_WRAP(ntl_x - NATURAL_WIDTH / 2, NATURAL_WIDTH);
+      } else {
+       overview.map_x0 = 0;
+      }
+      if (topo_has_flag(TF_WRAPY)) {
+       overview.map_y0 = FC_WRAP(ntl_y - NATURAL_HEIGHT / 2, NATURAL_HEIGHT);
+      } else {
+       overview.map_y0 = 0;
+      }
+      redraw_overview();
+  } do_in_natural_pos_end;
@@ -2074,23 +2075,26 @@
 void map_to_overview_pos(int *overview_x, int *overview_y,
                         int map_x, int map_y)
-  int gui_x, gui_y;
   /* The map position may not be normal, for instance when the mapview
    * origin is not a normal position.
    * NOTE: this embeds the map wrapping in the overview code. */
-  map_to_native_pos(&gui_x, &gui_y, map_x, map_y);
-  gui_x -= overview.map_x0;
-  gui_y -= overview.map_y0;
-  if (topo_has_flag(TF_WRAPX)) {
-    gui_x = FC_WRAP(gui_x, map.xsize);
-  }
-  if (topo_has_flag(TF_WRAPY)) {
-    gui_y = FC_WRAP(gui_y, map.ysize);
-  }
-  *overview_x = OVERVIEW_TILE_WIDTH * gui_x;
-  *overview_y = OVERVIEW_TILE_HEIGHT * gui_y;
+  do_in_natural_pos(ntl_x, ntl_y, map_x, map_y) {
+    int ovr_x = ntl_x - overview.map_x0,
+       ovr_y = ntl_y - overview.map_y0;
+    const int natural_width = NATURAL_WIDTH; /* optimizing speed*/
+    if (topo_has_flag(TF_WRAPX)) {
+      ovr_x = FC_WRAP(ovr_x, natural_width);
+    } else {
+      if( topo_has_flag(TF_ISO)) { ovr_x--; }; /* clip half tile */
+    }
+    if (topo_has_flag(TF_WRAPY)) {
+      ovr_y = FC_WRAP(ovr_y, NATURAL_HEIGHT);
+    }
+    *overview_x = OVERVIEW_TILE_SIZE * ovr_x;
+    *overview_y = OVERVIEW_TILE_SIZE * ovr_y;
+  } do_in_natural_pos_end;
@@ -2099,10 +2103,16 @@
 void overview_to_map_pos(int *map_x, int *map_y,
                         int overview_x, int overview_y)
-  int nat_x = overview_x / OVERVIEW_TILE_WIDTH + overview.map_x0;
-  int nat_y = overview_y / OVERVIEW_TILE_HEIGHT + overview.map_y0;
+    int ntl_x = overview_x / OVERVIEW_TILE_SIZE + overview.map_x0,
+       ntl_y = overview_y / OVERVIEW_TILE_SIZE + overview.map_y0;
+  /* clip half tile left and right */
+  if(topo_has_flag(TF_ISO) && !topo_has_flag(TF_WRAPX)) {
+    ntl_x++;
+  }
-  native_to_map_pos(map_x, map_y, nat_x, nat_y);
+  natural_to_map_pos(map_x, map_y, ntl_x, ntl_y);
   if (!normalize_map_pos(map_x, map_y)) {
     /* All positions on the overview should be valid. */
@@ -2116,52 +2126,56 @@
 static void get_mapview_corners(int x[4], int y[4])
   int map_x0, map_y0;
   canvas_to_map_pos(&map_x0, &map_y0, 0, 0);
   map_to_overview_pos(&x[0], &y[0], map_x0, map_y0);
   /* Note: these calculations operate on overview coordinates as if they
    * are native. */
+  /* TILE_WIDTH is there to correct it to natural, but corners can are off 
+     by 1 */
   if (is_isometric && !topo_has_flag(TF_ISO)) {
     /* We start with the west corner. */
     /* North */
-    x[1] = x[0] + OVERVIEW_TILE_WIDTH * mapview_canvas.tile_width;
-    y[1] = y[0] - OVERVIEW_TILE_HEIGHT * mapview_canvas.tile_width;
+    x[1] = x[0] + TILE_WIDTH * mapview_canvas.tile_width;
+    y[1] = y[0] - TILE_HEIGHT * mapview_canvas.tile_width;
     /* East */
-    x[2] = x[1] + OVERVIEW_TILE_WIDTH * mapview_canvas.tile_height;
-    y[2] = y[1] + OVERVIEW_TILE_HEIGHT * mapview_canvas.tile_height;
+    x[2] = x[1] + TILE_WIDTH * mapview_canvas.tile_height;
+    y[2] = y[1] + TILE_HEIGHT * mapview_canvas.tile_height;
     /* South */
-    x[3] = x[0] + OVERVIEW_TILE_WIDTH * mapview_canvas.tile_height;
-    y[3] = y[0] + OVERVIEW_TILE_HEIGHT * mapview_canvas.tile_height;
+    x[3] = x[0] + TILE_WIDTH * mapview_canvas.tile_height;
+    y[3] = y[0] + TILE_HEIGHT * mapview_canvas.tile_height;
   } else if (!is_isometric && topo_has_flag(TF_ISO)) {
     /* We start with the west corner.  Note the X scale is smaller. */
     /* North */
-    x[1] = x[0] + OVERVIEW_TILE_WIDTH * mapview_canvas.tile_width / 2;
-    y[1] = y[0] + OVERVIEW_TILE_HEIGHT * mapview_canvas.tile_width;
+    x[1] = x[0] + TILE_WIDTH * mapview_canvas.tile_width / 2;
+    y[1] = y[0] + TILE_HEIGHT * mapview_canvas.tile_width;
     /* East */
-    x[2] = x[1] - OVERVIEW_TILE_WIDTH * mapview_canvas.tile_height / 2;
-    y[2] = y[1] + OVERVIEW_TILE_HEIGHT * mapview_canvas.tile_height;
+    x[2] = x[1] - TILE_WIDTH * mapview_canvas.tile_height / 2;
+    y[2] = y[1] + TILE_HEIGHT * mapview_canvas.tile_height;
     /* South */
-    x[3] = x[2] - OVERVIEW_TILE_WIDTH * mapview_canvas.tile_width / 2;
-    y[3] = y[2] - OVERVIEW_TILE_HEIGHT * mapview_canvas.tile_width;
+    x[3] = x[2] - TILE_WIDTH * mapview_canvas.tile_width / 2;
+    y[3] = y[2] - TILE_HEIGHT * mapview_canvas.tile_width;
   } else {
     /* We start with the northwest corner. */
     int screen_width = mapview_canvas.tile_width;
     int screen_height = mapview_canvas.tile_height * (is_isometric ? 2 : 1);
     /* Northeast */
-    x[1] = x[0] + OVERVIEW_TILE_WIDTH * screen_width - 1;
+    x[1] = x[0] + TILE_WIDTH * screen_width - 1;
     y[1] = y[0];
     /* Southeast */
     x[2] = x[1];
-    y[2] = y[0] + OVERVIEW_TILE_HEIGHT * screen_height - 1;
+    y[2] = y[0] + TILE_HEIGHT * screen_height - 1;
     /* Southwest */
     x[3] = x[0];
@@ -2188,18 +2202,36 @@
 void overview_update_tile(int map_x, int map_y)
-  int base_x, base_y;
-  /* Base overview positions are just like native positions, but scaled to
+  /* Base overview positions are just like natural positions, but scaled to
    * the overview tile dimensions. */
-  map_to_native_pos(&base_x, &base_y, map_x, map_y);
-  canvas_put_rectangle(,
-                      overview_tile_color(map_x, map_y), base_x, base_y,
-  dirty_overview();
+    do_in_natural_pos(ntl_x, ntl_y, map_x, map_y) {
+      int overview_y =ntl_y * OVERVIEW_TILE_SIZE,
+         overview_x =ntl_x * OVERVIEW_TILE_SIZE;
+      if (topo_has_flag(TF_ISO)) {
+       if(topo_has_flag(TF_WRAPX)) {
+         if(overview_x > overview.width - TILE_WIDTH) {
+           /* Oops! we need update half tile at 0 */
+           canvas_put_rectangle(, 
+                                overview_tile_color(map_x, map_y),
+                                overview_x - overview.width, overview_y,
+                                TILE_WIDTH , TILE_HEIGHT); 
+         }     
+       } else {
+         /* clip half tile */
+         overview_x -= OVERVIEW_TILE_SIZE;
+       }
+      } 
+    canvas_put_rectangle(,
+                        overview_tile_color(map_x, map_y),
+                        overview_x, overview_y,
+                        TILE_WIDTH, TILE_HEIGHT);
+    dirty_overview();
+  } do_in_natural_pos_end;
@@ -2207,8 +2239,20 @@
 void set_overview_dimensions(int width, int height)
-  overview.width = OVERVIEW_TILE_WIDTH * width;
+  int shift = 0; /* used to calculate shift in iso view */
+  /* Set the scale of the overview map.  Note, since only the width is
+   * used to calculate the overview scale you can end up with a really
+   * tall or short overview if your map is unusually sized. */
+  OVERVIEW_TILE_SIZE = (120 / width) + 1;
+  if(topo_has_flag(TF_ISO)) {
+    OVERVIEW_TILE_SIZE = MAX(120 / width, 1);
+    /* clip half tile left and right*/ 
+    shift =   (!topo_has_flag(TF_WRAPX) ? -OVERVIEW_TILE_SIZE : 0);
+  }
   overview.height = OVERVIEW_TILE_HEIGHT * height;
+  overview.width = OVERVIEW_TILE_WIDTH * width + shift; 
   if ( {
diff -ruN -Xdiff_ignore freeciv/client/packhand.c freeciv_/client/packhand.c
--- freeciv/client/packhand.c   2004-05-11 18:42:50.000000000 +0200
+++ freeciv_/client/packhand.c  2004-05-12 17:24:30.000000000 +0200
@@ -1303,19 +1303,17 @@
 void handle_map_info(int xsize, int ysize, int topology_id)
+  map.size = 0; /* use server sended sizes */
+  map.ratio = 100;
+  map.topology_id = topology_id;
+  map_init_topology();
   map.xsize = xsize;
   map.ysize = ysize;
-  map.topology_id = topology_id;
-  /* Set the scale of the overview map.  Note, since only the width is
-   * used to calculate the overview scale you can end up with a really
-   * tall or short overview if your map is unusually sized. */
-  OVERVIEW_TILE_WIDTH = (120 / map.xsize) + 1;
   set_overview_dimensions(map.xsize, map.ysize);
diff -ruN -Xdiff_ignore freeciv/client/tilespec.c freeciv_/client/tilespec.c
--- freeciv/client/tilespec.c   2004-05-08 17:21:05.000000000 +0200
+++ freeciv_/client/tilespec.c  2004-05-12 17:24:30.000000000 +0200
@@ -72,8 +72,7 @@
 bool is_isometric;
 int hex_width, hex_height;
diff -ruN -Xdiff_ignore freeciv/client/tilespec.h freeciv_/client/tilespec.h
--- freeciv/client/tilespec.h   2004-04-30 00:49:10.000000000 +0200
+++ freeciv_/client/tilespec.h  2004-05-12 17:24:30.000000000 +0200
@@ -278,8 +278,7 @@
 extern int SMALL_TILE_WIDTH;
 extern int SMALL_TILE_HEIGHT;
 extern bool is_isometric;
 extern int hex_width, hex_height;
diff -ruN -Xdiff_ignore freeciv/common/map.c freeciv_/common/map.c
--- freeciv/common/map.c        2004-04-27 18:28:09.000000000 +0200
+++ freeciv_/common/map.c       2004-05-12 17:24:20.000000000 +0200
@@ -176,9 +176,11 @@
 void map_init(void)
-  map.topology_id = MAP_DEFAULT_TOPO;
-  map.xsize                 = MAP_DEFAULT_WIDTH;
-  map.ysize                 = MAP_DEFAULT_HEIGHT;
+  map.topology_id           = MAP_DEFAULT_TOPO;
+  map.size                  = MAP_DEFAULT_SIZE;
+  map.ratio                 = MAP_DEFAULT_RATIO;
+  map.xsize                 = 0; /* to be set by map_init_topology() */
+  map.ysize                 = 0;
   map.seed                  = MAP_DEFAULT_SEED;
   map.riches                = MAP_DEFAULT_RICHES;
   map.huts                  = MAP_DEFAULT_HUTS;
@@ -199,6 +201,127 @@
   map.have_specials         = FALSE;
   map.have_rivers_overlay   = FALSE;
   map.have_huts             = FALSE;
+  map_init_topology(); /* correct xsize/ysize values if needed */
+static int mcd(int A, int B) {
+ if ((A % 2) == 0 && (B % 2) == 0) {
+    return 2 * mcd( A / 2, B / 2);
+  }
+ if ((A % 3) == 0 && (B % 3) == 0) {
+    return 3 * mcd( A / 3, B / 3);
+  }
+ if ((A % 5) == 0 && (B % 5) == 0) {
+    return 5 * mcd( A / 5, B / 5);
+  }
+ if ((A % 7) == 0 && (B % 7) == 0) {
+    return 7 * mcd( A / 7, B / 7);
+  }
+ return 1;
+ * This is the core of calculate size of the maps 
+ * final value are calculate to get defined ratios size in natural
+ * coordinated
+ * xsize and ysize are even numbers
+ * if iso-map ysize%4 == 0 to avoid any type of problems in
+ * extended topologies and iso-maps
+ */   
+static void setmapratio(double base_size, int Xratio, int Yratio)
+  const int MCD = mcd(Xratio, Yratio);
+  /* if map.xsize and map.ysize are set from server  do nothing*/
+  if (base_size == 0) 
+    return;
+  /*
+   * Simplify the prime common divisor in ratios 
+   * ratios as 9:9 8:8 7:7 are converted to 1:1
+   */
+  Xratio /= MCD;
+  Yratio /= MCD;
+  /*
+   Correct exesives ratios
+  */
+  if( Xratio / Yratio >= 3) {
+    Xratio = 3;
+    Yratio = 1 ;
+    /* server mesage: the ratios was raised to  31*/ 
+  }
+  if( Yratio / Xratio >= 3) {
+    Xratio = 1;
+    Yratio = 3 ;
+    /* server mesage: the ratios was raised to  13*/
+  }
+  /* set corrected ratio in map.ratio if these values are set by user */
+  if( map.ratio != 100 ) {
+    map.ratio = Xratio + 10 * Yratio;
+    if(MCD != 1) {
+       /* server mesage: the user defined ratios was corrected to  */ 
+    }
+  }
+  /* in TF_ISO we need double map.ysize/map.ysize factor */ 
+  int iso = topo_has_flag(TF_ISO)? 2 : 1;
+  /* get a integer for the internal i_size var,this alow to make easly even 
numbers */
+  int i_size = floor(0.49 + sqrt(250.0 * base_size / (Xratio * Yratio * iso)));
+  /* verify for map.xsize and map.ysize estimated minimum value*/
+  /* this is make there to avoid a too complex code, but it is not exact */
+  int i_size_min = MIN(1, MAP_MIN_LINEAR_SIZE / MIN(Xratio, Yratio * iso) / 2);
+  if (i_size < i_size_min) { i_size = i_size_min; };
+  /* set map.[xy]size as even numbers (and ysize %4 == 0 for TF_ISO)*/
+  map.xsize =       2 * Xratio * i_size;
+  map.ysize = iso * 2 * Yratio * i_size;
+  /* Verify up limit for map coordinates and correct it if needed */
+  if (MAX(MAP_WIDTH, MAP_HEIGHT) >= MAP_MAX_LINEAR_SIZE) {      /* make a more 
litle map if possible */
+    assert(base_size > 0.1);
+    setmapratio(base_size - 0.1, Xratio, Yratio);
+    return;
+  }
+/* auto-ratios can't change map.ratio */
+static void auto_ratio(int ratio)
+  assert(ratio >= 11 && ratio < 100);
+  setmapratio(map.size, ratio / 10,(ratio % 10));
+static void user_ratio(void)
+  assert(map.ratio >= 11 && map.ratio <= 100);
+  if (map.ratio != 100)
+      setmapratio(map.size, map.ratio / 10,
+                  (map.ratio % 10));
+#define INIT_TOPOLOGIE_CASE(TOPO,DEFAULTRATIO)                         \
+ case TOPO:                                                            \
+       if( map.ratio == 100){                                          \
+         auto_ratio(DEFAULTRATIO);                                     \
+       } else { user_ratio(); }                                        \
+       break;
+ map_init_topology() need to be called after changes on
+ map.topology_id, map.size and map.ratio was donned.
+ this calculate map.xsize and map.ysize
+ in client or when loading savegames map.size can be set to zero to
+ alow code to set direcly xsize and ysize 
+                                                                [mburda]
+void map_init_topology( void)
+  switch (map.topology_id & (TF_WRAPX |TF_WRAPY)) {
+  };
diff -ruN -Xdiff_ignore freeciv/common/map.h freeciv_/common/map.h
--- freeciv/common/map.h        2004-05-11 18:42:50.000000000 +0200
+++ freeciv_/common/map.h       2004-05-12 17:26:02.000000000 +0200
@@ -117,6 +117,7 @@
 struct civ_map { 
   int topology_id;
+  int size, ratio; /* used to calculate [xy]size */
   int xsize, ysize; /* native dimensions */
   int seed;
   int riches;
@@ -154,6 +155,8 @@
 #define topo_has_flag(flag) ((CURRENT_TOPOLOGY & (flag)) != 0)
+void map_init_topology(void );
 bool map_is_empty(void);
 void map_init(void);
 void map_allocate(void);
@@ -207,9 +210,22 @@
       *(pnat_x) = (2 * (map_x) - *(pnat_y) - (*(pnat_y) & 1)) / 2)          \
    : (*(pnat_x) = (map_x), *(pnat_y) = (map_y)))
+#define natural_to_map_pos(pmap_x, pmap_y, nat_x, nat_y)                    \
+  (topo_has_flag(TF_ISO)                                                    \
+   ? (*(pmap_x) = ((nat_y) + (nat_x)) / 2,                                  \
+      *(pmap_y) = (nat_y) - *(pmap_x) + map.xsize)                          \
+   : (*(pmap_x) = (nat_x), *(pmap_y) = (nat_y)))
+#define map_to_natural_pos(pnat_x, pnat_y, map_x, map_y)                    \
+  (topo_has_flag(TF_ISO)                                                    \
+   ? (*(pnat_y) = (map_x) + (map_y) - map.xsize,                            \
+      *(pnat_x) = 2 * (map_x) - *(pnat_y))                                  \
+   : (*(pnat_x) = (map_x), *(pnat_y) = (map_y)))
 /* Provide a block to convert from map to native coordinates.  This allows
  * you to use a native version of the map position within the block.  Note
- * that any changes to the native position won't affect the map position. */
+ * that native position are declare as const. */
 #define do_in_native_pos(nat_x, nat_y, map_x, map_y)                        \
 {                                                                           \
   int _nat_x, _nat_y;                                                       \
@@ -221,6 +237,27 @@
   }                                                                         \
+/* Provide a block to convert from map to natural coordinates. This allows
+ * you to use a natural version of the map position within the block.
+ * natural version vars are const and can't be changed inside the block */
+#define do_in_natural_pos(ntl_x, ntl_y, map_x, map_y)                        \
+{                                                                           \
+  int _ntl_x, _ntl_y;                                                       \
+  map_to_natural_pos(&_ntl_x, &_ntl_y, map_x, map_y);                      \
+  {                                                                         \
+    const int ntl_x = _ntl_x, ntl_y = _ntl_y;
+#define do_in_natural_pos_end                                                \
+  }                                                                         \
+#define NATIVE_WIDTH map.xsize
+#define NATIVE_HEIGHT map.ysize
+#define NATURAL_WIDTH (topo_has_flag(TF_ISO) ? 2 * map.xsize : map.xsize)
+#define NATURAL_HEIGHT map.ysize
 static inline int map_pos_to_index(int map_x, int map_y);
 /* index_to_map_pos(int *, int *, int) inverts map_pos_to_index */
@@ -233,6 +270,14 @@
 (    (dest_x) = DIR_DX[(dir)],         \
      (dest_y) = DIR_DY[(dir)])
+#define MAP_WIDTH \
+   (topo_has_flag(TF_ISO) \
+    ? (map.xsize + map.ysize / 2) \
+    : map.xsize)
+#define MAP_HEIGHT \
+   (topo_has_flag(TF_ISO) \
+    ? (map.xsize + map.ysize / 2) \
+    : map.ysize)
  * Returns true if the step yields a new valid map position. If yes
  * (dest_x, dest_y) is set to the new map position.
@@ -597,13 +642,44 @@
 #define MAP_MIN_HUTS             0
 #define MAP_MAX_HUTS             500
-#define MAP_DEFAULT_WIDTH        80
-#define MAP_MIN_WIDTH            40
-#define MAP_MAX_WIDTH            200
-#define MAP_DEFAULT_HEIGHT       50
-#define MAP_MIN_HEIGHT           25
-#define MAP_MAX_HEIGHT           100
+/* size of the map in thusand of tiles */
+#define MAP_DEFAULT_SIZE         4
+#define MAP_MIN_SIZE             1
+#define MAP_MAX_SIZE             26
+ * This define the max linear size in map or native coordinates
+ * this must be liter than 255, this value is reserved for net usage
+ */
+#define MAP_MAX_LINEAR_SIZE      254
+#define MAP_MIN_LINEAR_SIZE      8
+ * This value determine the x:y ration of the map in NATURAL coordinated
+ * This ratio need to be corrected for NATIVE coordinated in
+ * iso-map by a factor sqrt(2) as (x / sqrt(2)) : (y * sqrt (2))
+ * the spetial values 100 is the AUTO RATIO (this is the prefered value)
+ */
+#define MAP_DEFAULT_RATIO         100
+#define MAP_MIN_RATIO             11
+#define MAP_MAX_RATIO             100
+ * The auto ratios for knowns topologies
+ * best if (but not needed)
+ * get RATIO factor = Xratio*Yratio as litle as posible
+ * this is best for litles map sizes                        
+ * get DEFAULT RATIO <= 2:1 or 1:2                              
+ */
+#define AUTO_RATIO_FLAT           11
+#define AUTO_RATIO_CLASSIC        85 
+#define AUTO_RATIO_URANUS         47 
+#define AUTO_RATIO_TORUS          11
 #define MAP_DEFAULT_TOPO         TF_WRAPX
diff -ruN -Xdiff_ignore freeciv/server/savegame.c freeciv_/server/savegame.c
--- freeciv/server/savegame.c   2004-04-27 18:28:18.000000000 +0200
+++ freeciv_/server/savegame.c  2004-05-12 17:24:20.000000000 +0200
@@ -323,8 +323,11 @@
 static void map_tiles_load(struct section_file *file)
+  map.size = 0; /* use xize/ysize from load */
+  map.ratio= 100;
   map.topology_id = secfile_lookup_int_default(file, MAP_ORIGINAL_TOPO,
+  map_init_topology(); /* this call never change [xy]size */
   /* In some cases we read these before, but not always, and
    * its safe to read them again:
diff -ruN -Xdiff_ignore freeciv/server/stdinhand.c freeciv_/server/stdinhand.c
--- freeciv/server/stdinhand.c  2004-05-12 17:18:15.000000000 +0200
+++ freeciv_/server/stdinhand.c 2004-05-12 17:24:20.000000000 +0200
@@ -254,28 +254,42 @@
   /* These should be grouped by sclass */
 /* Map size parameters: adjustable if we don't yet have a map */  
-         N_("Map width in squares"), "", NULL,
-         N_("Map height in squares"), "", NULL,
+          N_("Map size in 1,000 tiles units"),
+          N_("This value is used to determine xsize and ysize\n"
+             " size = 4 is a litle map of  4,000 tiles (default)\n"
+             " size = 20 is a Huge map of 20,000 tiles \n"
+            "The maximal size is limited by topology and ratio\n"
+            "See the topologie help. the real size auto reised\n"
+            "to these maximals"), NULL,
+          N_("Map ratio, keep it default value of 100 (auto)\n"),
+          N_("This value is used to determine xsize and ysize \n"
+            " 100 is the default ratio determined by the topology_id\n"
+            "Otherwise first digit is the x factor \n"
+            "and second digit the y factor of the x:y ratio \n"
+             " 11 is 1:1 ratio, 85 is a 8:5 ratio. \n"
+            "Extreme ratio (more than 3/1) are auto raised to these limit \n"
+            "Change it at your own risk, bad ratios limit size of map!"
+             ), NULL,
   GEN_INT("topology", map.topology_id, SSET_MAP_SIZE, SSET_GEOLOGY, 
          N_("The map topology index"),
          N_("Two-dimensional maps can wrap at the north-south or \n"
             "east-west edges, and use a cartesian or isometric \n"
             "rectangular grid.  See the manual for further explanation.\n"
-             "  0 Flat Earth (unwrapped)\n"
-             "  1 Earth (wraps E-W)\n"
-             "  2 Uranus (wraps N-S)\n"
-             "  3 Donut World (wraps N-S, E-W)\n"
-            "  4 Flat Earth (isometric)\n"
-            "  5 Earth (isometric)\n"
-            "  6 Uranus (isometric)\n"
-            "  7 Donut World (isometric)"
+             "  0 Flat Earth (unwrapped)      [64]\n"
+             "  1 Earth (wraps E-W)           [40]\n"
+             "  2 Uranus (wraps N-S)          [36]\n"
+             "  3 Donut World (wraps N-S, E-W)[64]\n"
+            "  4 Flat Earth (isometric)      [14]\n"
+            "  5 Earth (isometric)           [26]\n"
+            "  6 Uranus (isometric)          [11]\n"
+            "  7 Donut World (isometric)     [14]\n"
+            " [] the maximal size are calculated for auto ratio"
           ), NULL, 
@@ -3572,6 +3586,7 @@
   if (!check && do_update) {
+    map_init_topology(); /* update map.[xy]size from last changes */
      * send any modified game parameters to the clients -- if sent
      * before RUN_GAME_STATE, triggers a popdown_races_dialog() call
diff -ruN -Xdiff_ignore freeciv/client/climap.h freeciv_/client/climap.h
--- freeciv/client/climap.h     2003-04-23 19:08:50.000000000 +0200
+++ freeciv_/client/climap.h    2004-05-12 19:08:58.000000000 +0200
@@ -24,4 +24,10 @@
 enum direction8 gui_to_map_dir(enum direction8 gui_dir);
 enum direction8 map_to_gui_dir(enum direction8 map_dir);
+struct overview_pos {
+    int x, y;
diff -ruN -Xdiff_ignore freeciv/client/gui-gtk-2.0/mapctrl.c 
--- freeciv/client/gui-gtk-2.0/mapctrl.c        2004-04-27 18:28:08.000000000 
+++ freeciv_/client/gui-gtk-2.0/mapctrl.c       2004-05-12 18:17:18.000000000 
@@ -293,8 +293,8 @@
   } else {
     gdk_window_get_pointer(overview_canvas->window, &x, &y, 0);
     if (x >= 0 && y >= 0
-       && x < OVERVIEW_TILE_WIDTH * map.xsize
-       && y < OVERVIEW_TILE_WIDTH * map.ysize) {
+       && x < overview.TILE_WIDTH * map.xsize
+       && y < overview.TILE_HEIGHT * map.ysize) {
       overview_update_line(x, y);
diff -ruN -Xdiff_ignore freeciv/client/mapview_common.c 
--- freeciv/client/mapview_common.c     2004-05-12 17:18:11.000000000 +0200
+++ freeciv_/client/mapview_common.c    2004-05-13 11:23:32.000000000 +0200
@@ -1995,8 +1995,8 @@
     struct canvas *src =;
-    int x = overview.map_x0 * OVERVIEW_TILE_WIDTH;
-    int y = overview.map_y0 * OVERVIEW_TILE_HEIGHT;
+    int x = overview.map_x0 * overview.TILE_SIZE;
+    int y = overview.map_y0 * overview.TILE_SIZE;
     int ix = overview.width - x;
     int iy = overview.height - y;
@@ -2049,23 +2049,24 @@
 static void center_tile_overviewcanvas(int map_x, int map_y)
-  /* The overview coordinates are equivalent to native coordinates. */
-  map_to_native_pos(&map_x, &map_y, map_x, map_y);
+  /* The overview coordinates are equivalent to natural coordinates. */
+  do_in_natural_pos(ntl_x, ntl_y, map_x, map_y) {
-  /* NOTE: this embeds the map wrapping in the overview code.  This is
-   * basically necessary for the overview to be efficiently
-   * updated. */
-  if (topo_has_flag(TF_WRAPX)) {
-    overview.map_x0 = FC_WRAP(map_x - map.xsize / 2, map.xsize);
-  } else {
-    overview.map_x0 = 0;
-  }
-  if (topo_has_flag(TF_WRAPY)) {
-    overview.map_y0 = FC_WRAP(map_y - map.ysize / 2, map.ysize);
-  } else {
-    overview.map_y0 = 0;
-  }
-  redraw_overview();
+    /* NOTE: this embeds the map wrapping in the overview code.  This is
+     * basically necessary for the overview to be efficiently
+     * updated. */
+      if (topo_has_flag(TF_WRAPX)) {
+       overview.map_x0 = FC_WRAP(ntl_x - NATURAL_WIDTH / 2, NATURAL_WIDTH);
+      } else {
+       overview.map_x0 = 0;
+      }
+      if (topo_has_flag(TF_WRAPY)) {
+       overview.map_y0 = FC_WRAP(ntl_y - NATURAL_HEIGHT / 2, NATURAL_HEIGHT);
+      } else {
+       overview.map_y0 = 0;
+      }
+      redraw_overview();
+  } do_in_natural_pos_end;
@@ -2074,23 +2075,37 @@
 void map_to_overview_pos(int *overview_x, int *overview_y,
                         int map_x, int map_y)
-  int gui_x, gui_y;
   /* The map position may not be normal, for instance when the mapview
    * origin is not a normal position.
    * NOTE: this embeds the map wrapping in the overview code. */
-  map_to_native_pos(&gui_x, &gui_y, map_x, map_y);
-  gui_x -= overview.map_x0;
-  gui_y -= overview.map_y0;
-  if (topo_has_flag(TF_WRAPX)) {
-    gui_x = FC_WRAP(gui_x, map.xsize);
-  }
-  if (topo_has_flag(TF_WRAPY)) {
-    gui_y = FC_WRAP(gui_y, map.ysize);
-  }
-  *overview_x = OVERVIEW_TILE_WIDTH * gui_x;
-  *overview_y = OVERVIEW_TILE_HEIGHT * gui_y;
+  do_in_natural_pos(ntl_x, ntl_y, map_x, map_y) {
+    if(topo_has_flag(TF_ISO) == overview.is_isometric) {
+      int ovr_x = ntl_x - overview.map_x0,
+         ovr_y = ntl_y - overview.map_y0;
+      const int natural_width = NATURAL_WIDTH; /* optimizing speed*/
+      if (topo_has_flag(TF_WRAPX)) {
+       ovr_x = FC_WRAP(ovr_x, natural_width);
+      } else {
+       if( topo_has_flag(TF_ISO)) { ovr_x--; }; /* clip half tile */
+      }
+      if (topo_has_flag(TF_WRAPY)) {
+        ovr_y = FC_WRAP(ovr_y, NATURAL_HEIGHT);
+      }
+      *overview_x = overview.TILE_SIZE * ovr_x;
+      *overview_y = overview.TILE_SIZE * ovr_y;
+      return;
+    }
+    /* this is only alowed for selected topologies */
+    /* TORUS */
+    assert( topo_has_flag(TF_WRAPX) && topo_has_flag(TF_WRAPY)); 
+    if ( overview.is_isometric ) { /* topo is not iso */
+    } else { /* topo is iso but ovoerview is not */
+    }
+  } do_in_natural_pos_end;
@@ -2099,10 +2114,16 @@
 void overview_to_map_pos(int *map_x, int *map_y,
                         int overview_x, int overview_y)
-  int nat_x = overview_x / OVERVIEW_TILE_WIDTH + overview.map_x0;
-  int nat_y = overview_y / OVERVIEW_TILE_HEIGHT + overview.map_y0;
+    int ntl_x = overview_x / overview.TILE_SIZE + overview.map_x0,
+       ntl_y = overview_y / overview.TILE_SIZE + overview.map_y0;
-  native_to_map_pos(map_x, map_y, nat_x, nat_y);
+  /* clip half tile left and right */
+  if(topo_has_flag(TF_ISO) && !topo_has_flag(TF_WRAPX)) {
+    ntl_x++;
+  }
+  natural_to_map_pos(map_x, map_y, ntl_x, ntl_y);
   if (!normalize_map_pos(map_x, map_y)) {
     /* All positions on the overview should be valid. */
@@ -2116,52 +2137,54 @@
 static void get_mapview_corners(int x[4], int y[4])
   int map_x0, map_y0;
   canvas_to_map_pos(&map_x0, &map_y0, 0, 0);
   map_to_overview_pos(&x[0], &y[0], map_x0, map_y0);
   /* Note: these calculations operate on overview coordinates as if they
    * are native. */
+  /* TILE_WIDTH is there to correct it to natural, but corners can are off 
+     by 1 */
   if (is_isometric && !topo_has_flag(TF_ISO)) {
     /* We start with the west corner. */
     /* North */
-    x[1] = x[0] + OVERVIEW_TILE_WIDTH * mapview_canvas.tile_width;
-    y[1] = y[0] - OVERVIEW_TILE_HEIGHT * mapview_canvas.tile_width;
+    x[1] = x[0] + overview.TILE_WIDTH * mapview_canvas.tile_width;
+    y[1] = y[0] - overview.TILE_HEIGHT * mapview_canvas.tile_width;
     /* East */
-    x[2] = x[1] + OVERVIEW_TILE_WIDTH * mapview_canvas.tile_height;
-    y[2] = y[1] + OVERVIEW_TILE_HEIGHT * mapview_canvas.tile_height;
+    x[2] = x[1] + overview.TILE_WIDTH * mapview_canvas.tile_height;
+    y[2] = y[1] + overview.TILE_HEIGHT * mapview_canvas.tile_height;
     /* South */
-    x[3] = x[0] + OVERVIEW_TILE_WIDTH * mapview_canvas.tile_height;
-    y[3] = y[0] + OVERVIEW_TILE_HEIGHT * mapview_canvas.tile_height;
+    x[3] = x[0] + overview.TILE_WIDTH * mapview_canvas.tile_height;
+    y[3] = y[0] + overview.TILE_HEIGHT * mapview_canvas.tile_height;
   } else if (!is_isometric && topo_has_flag(TF_ISO)) {
     /* We start with the west corner.  Note the X scale is smaller. */
     /* North */
-    x[1] = x[0] + OVERVIEW_TILE_WIDTH * mapview_canvas.tile_width / 2;
-    y[1] = y[0] + OVERVIEW_TILE_HEIGHT * mapview_canvas.tile_width;
+    x[1] = x[0] + overview.TILE_WIDTH * mapview_canvas.tile_width / 2;
+    y[1] = y[0] + overview.TILE_HEIGHT * mapview_canvas.tile_width;
     /* East */
-    x[2] = x[1] - OVERVIEW_TILE_WIDTH * mapview_canvas.tile_height / 2;
-    y[2] = y[1] + OVERVIEW_TILE_HEIGHT * mapview_canvas.tile_height;
+    x[2] = x[1] - overview.TILE_WIDTH * mapview_canvas.tile_height / 2;
+    y[2] = y[1] + overview.TILE_HEIGHT * mapview_canvas.tile_height;
     /* South */
-    x[3] = x[2] - OVERVIEW_TILE_WIDTH * mapview_canvas.tile_width / 2;
-    y[3] = y[2] - OVERVIEW_TILE_HEIGHT * mapview_canvas.tile_width;
+    x[3] = x[2] - overview.TILE_WIDTH * mapview_canvas.tile_width / 2;
+    y[3] = y[2] - overview.TILE_HEIGHT * mapview_canvas.tile_width;
   } else {
     /* We start with the northwest corner. */
     int screen_width = mapview_canvas.tile_width;
     int screen_height = mapview_canvas.tile_height * (is_isometric ? 2 : 1);
     /* Northeast */
-    x[1] = x[0] + OVERVIEW_TILE_WIDTH * screen_width - 1;
+    x[1] = x[0] + overview.TILE_WIDTH * screen_width - 1;
     y[1] = y[0];
     /* Southeast */
     x[2] = x[1];
-    y[2] = y[0] + OVERVIEW_TILE_HEIGHT * screen_height - 1;
+    y[2] = y[0] + overview.TILE_HEIGHT * screen_height - 1;
     /* Southwest */
     x[3] = x[0];
@@ -2188,18 +2211,34 @@
 void overview_update_tile(int map_x, int map_y)
-  int base_x, base_y;
-  /* Base overview positions are just like native positions, but scaled to
+  /* Base overview positions are just like natural positions, but scaled to
    * the overview tile dimensions. */
-  map_to_native_pos(&base_x, &base_y, map_x, map_y);
-  canvas_put_rectangle(,
-                      overview_tile_color(map_x, map_y), base_x, base_y,
-  dirty_overview();
+    do_in_natural_pos(ntl_x, ntl_y, map_x, map_y) {
+      int overview_y =ntl_y * overview.TILE_SIZE,
+         overview_x =ntl_x * overview.TILE_SIZE;
+      if (topo_has_flag(TF_ISO)) {
+       if(topo_has_flag(TF_WRAPX)) {
+         if(overview_x > overview.width - overview.TILE_WIDTH) {
+           /* Oops! we need update half tile at 0 */
+           canvas_put_rectangle(, 
+                                overview_tile_color(map_x, map_y),
+                                overview_x - overview.width, overview_y,
+                                overview.TILE_WIDTH , overview.TILE_HEIGHT); 
+         }     
+       } else {
+         /* clip half tile */
+         overview_x -= overview.TILE_SIZE;
+       }
+      } 
+    canvas_put_rectangle(,
+                        overview_tile_color(map_x, map_y),
+                        overview_x, overview_y,
+                        overview.TILE_WIDTH, overview.TILE_HEIGHT);
+    dirty_overview();
+  } do_in_natural_pos_end;
@@ -2207,9 +2246,61 @@
 void set_overview_dimensions(int width, int height)
-  overview.width = OVERVIEW_TILE_WIDTH * width;
-  overview.height = OVERVIEW_TILE_HEIGHT * height;
+  int shift = 0; /* used to calculate shift in iso view */
+  /* Set the scale of the overview map.  Note, since only the width is
+   * used to calculate the overview scale you can end up with a really
+   * tall or short overview if your map is unusually sized. */
+  overview.is_isometric = topo_has_flag(TF_ISO);
+  /* for selected topologies we can choice to set 
+     overview.is_isometric equal to main windows is_isometric */
+  /* FIX ME: include the code needed to alow this
+  if(topo_has_flag(TF_WRAPX) && topo_has_flag(TF_WRAPY)) {
+    overview.is_isometric= is_isometric;
+  }
+  only closed topologies as torus or quincutial can use it with out black areas
+  on overview, for others topos we can still using the old thechnics
+  a torus overview as (no TF_ISO) 
+  is viewved in iso  overview as
+  E_B_
+  _D_C
+  J_G_
+  _K_H
+  O_L_
+  _P_I
+  D_M_
+  _A_N
+  the overview change from 1:1 ratio to 1:2
+  but the main ratio and the overview as some indexing system
+  */
+  if( overview.is_isometric == topo_has_flag(TF_ISO) ) {
+    if(overview.is_isometric) {
+      overview.TILE_SIZE = MAX(120 / width, 1);
+      overview.TILE_WIDTH = overview.TILE_SIZE * 2;
+      overview.TILE_HEIGHT = overview.TILE_SIZE;
+      /* clip half tile left and right*/ 
+      shift =   (!topo_has_flag(TF_WRAPX) ? -overview.TILE_SIZE : 0);
+    } else if (!overview.is_isometric) {
+      overview.TILE_SIZE = (120 / width) + 1;  
+      overview.TILE_WIDTH = overview.TILE_SIZE;
+      overview.TILE_HEIGHT = overview.TILE_SIZE;
+    }
+    overview.height = overview.TILE_HEIGHT * height;
+    overview.width  = overview.TILE_WIDTH * width + shift; 
+  } else { /* if overview.is_isometric != topo_has_flag(TF_ISO) */
+    if (overview.is_isometric) {
+       assert( 0 );
+    } else { assert( 0); };
+  }
+  /* create store */
   if ( {
diff -ruN -Xdiff_ignore freeciv/client/mapview_common.h 
--- freeciv/client/mapview_common.h     2004-05-12 17:18:11.000000000 +0200
+++ freeciv_/client/mapview_common.h    2004-05-12 18:13:32.000000000 +0200
@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
   int map_x0, map_y0;
   int width, height;           /* Size in pixels. */
   struct canvas *store;
+  bool is_isometric;
 extern struct mapview_canvas mapview_canvas;
diff -ruN -Xdiff_ignore freeciv/client/packhand.c freeciv_/client/packhand.c
--- freeciv/client/packhand.c   2004-05-11 18:42:50.000000000 +0200
+++ freeciv_/client/packhand.c  2004-05-13 11:32:30.000000000 +0200
@@ -1310,12 +1310,6 @@
-  /* Set the scale of the overview map.  Note, since only the width is
-   * used to calculate the overview scale you can end up with a really
-   * tall or short overview if your map is unusually sized. */
-  OVERVIEW_TILE_WIDTH = (120 / map.xsize) + 1;
   set_overview_dimensions(map.xsize, map.ysize);
diff -ruN -Xdiff_ignore freeciv/client/tilespec.c freeciv_/client/tilespec.c
--- freeciv/client/tilespec.c   2004-05-08 17:21:05.000000000 +0200
+++ freeciv_/client/tilespec.c  2004-05-12 18:07:21.000000000 +0200
@@ -72,9 +72,6 @@
 bool is_isometric;
 int hex_width, hex_height;
diff -ruN -Xdiff_ignore freeciv/client/tilespec.h freeciv_/client/tilespec.h
--- freeciv/client/tilespec.h   2004-04-30 00:49:10.000000000 +0200
+++ freeciv_/client/tilespec.h  2004-05-12 18:06:20.000000000 +0200
@@ -278,9 +278,6 @@
 extern int SMALL_TILE_WIDTH;
 extern int SMALL_TILE_HEIGHT;
 extern bool is_isometric;
 extern int hex_width, hex_height;
diff -ruN -Xdiff_ignore freeciv/common/map.h freeciv_/common/map.h
--- freeciv/common/map.h        2004-05-11 18:42:50.000000000 +0200
+++ freeciv_/common/map.h       2004-05-13 11:32:30.000000000 +0200
@@ -207,9 +207,22 @@
       *(pnat_x) = (2 * (map_x) - *(pnat_y) - (*(pnat_y) & 1)) / 2)          \
    : (*(pnat_x) = (map_x), *(pnat_y) = (map_y)))
+#define natural_to_map_pos(pmap_x, pmap_y, nat_x, nat_y)                    \
+  (topo_has_flag(TF_ISO)                                                    \
+   ? (*(pmap_x) = ((nat_y) + (nat_x)) / 2,                                  \
+      *(pmap_y) = (nat_y) - *(pmap_x) + map.xsize)                          \
+   : (*(pmap_x) = (nat_x), *(pmap_y) = (nat_y)))
+#define map_to_natural_pos(pnat_x, pnat_y, map_x, map_y)                    \
+  (topo_has_flag(TF_ISO)                                                    \
+   ? (*(pnat_y) = (map_x) + (map_y) - map.xsize,                            \
+      *(pnat_x) = 2 * (map_x) - *(pnat_y))                                  \
+   : (*(pnat_x) = (map_x), *(pnat_y) = (map_y)))
 /* Provide a block to convert from map to native coordinates.  This allows
  * you to use a native version of the map position within the block.  Note
- * that any changes to the native position won't affect the map position. */
+ * that native position are declare as const. */
 #define do_in_native_pos(nat_x, nat_y, map_x, map_y)                        \
 {                                                                           \
   int _nat_x, _nat_y;                                                       \
@@ -221,6 +234,27 @@
   }                                                                         \
+/* Provide a block to convert from map to natural coordinates. This allows
+ * you to use a natural version of the map position within the block.
+ * natural version vars are const and can't be changed inside the block */
+#define do_in_natural_pos(ntl_x, ntl_y, map_x, map_y)                        \
+{                                                                           \
+  int _ntl_x, _ntl_y;                                                       \
+  map_to_natural_pos(&_ntl_x, &_ntl_y, map_x, map_y);                      \
+  {                                                                         \
+    const int ntl_x = _ntl_x, ntl_y = _ntl_y;
+#define do_in_natural_pos_end                                                \
+  }                                                                         \
+#define NATIVE_WIDTH map.xsize
+#define NATIVE_HEIGHT map.ysize
+#define NATURAL_WIDTH (topo_has_flag(TF_ISO) ? 2 * map.xsize : map.xsize)
+#define NATURAL_HEIGHT map.ysize
 static inline int map_pos_to_index(int map_x, int map_y);
 /* index_to_map_pos(int *, int *, int) inverts map_pos_to_index */

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