Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: November 2003:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Python?

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Python?

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To: <freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: Python?
From: "Brandon J. Van Every" <vanevery@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 22 Nov 2003 05:29:38 -0800

Raimar Falke wrote:
> My opinion: freeciv is OO. C is good language in general for its age
> and acceptable for freeciv. "Migrating away" is only possible if C++
> is the target.

Why must C++ be the target?  Because of (possibly incorrect) assumptions
you listed later?

> And we all know that C++ is a bad target ;)


> If freeciv should be (re)written in a "modern" language I would do a
> complete rewrite.

Why must it be a complete rewrite?  That's why I suggested "hodgepodge"
migration.  OO-ify things one at at time.  Most people don't have time
for complete rewrites.

>  - python isn't suited for projects of this size

Why do you say that?  A lot of large commercial projects have made use
of Python.  The idea that it's "only a scripting language" is quite
mistaken.  It is a fully capable systems language, like Java.

> If there are any other alternatives please tell me.

I don't think you understand the alternative that Python represents.  If
you want some Python Success Stories look at

> See also OpenCiv ( which
> you may call the the _Father_ of Freeciv.

Huh.  Wonder if it's faceliftable, and what the code is like.

Brandon Van Every           Seattle, WA

Taking risk where others will not.

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