Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: July 2003:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#4468) long term questions

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#4468) long term questions

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To: Horn.Gabor@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#4468) long term questions
From: "ue80@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <ue80@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2003 01:44:09 -0700
Reply-to: rt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

On Mon, Jun 30, 2003 at 07:43:31PM -0700, Horn GXbor wrote:
> Hi!
> 6: [...] Only tool for it as i
> see is the ranking system atm. It's just unfair if a newbie ranked
> player gets hundreds of points from a game when he does nothing but stab
> in the back and split a better player w/ whom he agreed on peace. Does
> those points represent skill in this case? I doubt :) The same when an
> ally of 6 player kills a good one, the final winner earns the same
> points as if he would do it alone. I don't have a final solution for
> this of course, but a basic idea maybe u can use: when sy who wins is in
> an ally, we should count it as a draw. Or eg if a 'looser' of this match
> would loose 20 pts to the 'winner', and the winner has 4 ally, the
> looser should only lose 20/5=4 points. Or something, maybe other players
> have suggestions too.

Think only dividing the points isn't a good idea. I think we should look
how powerful an alliance/team is.

I can beat an two playeralliance with two players with currently
around ~1350 points [A], 4 with around 1250 [B] and have no prob with 10
allied newbies (or AI) [C].

So this alliances count by rule of thumb:
A: 1600 points
B: 1630 points
C: 1300 points

So we only need a formula which says how powerful (in points) an
alliance is. Would be nice for teamgames too. When all players are
playing with there ranking nicks, the power of the teams should be nearly
equal. (Ok, for that all people should play all serious games with there
ranking nick ...)

Thomas Strub  ***  eMail ue80@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
jb: people are stupid, they don't want to learn.

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