Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: July 2002:
[Freeciv-Dev] Civ3 extensions to FreeCiv

[Freeciv-Dev] Civ3 extensions to FreeCiv

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Civ3 extensions to FreeCiv
From: Andrew John Hughes <hughes2002@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 9 Jul 2002 23:09:40 +0100
Reply-to: hughes2002@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hash: SHA1

There has been some recent discussion on the freeciv@xxxxxxxxxxx mailing list 
on extending FreeCiv with some of the features of the new Civ3.  I was 
wondering what the thoughts of the current developers were on doing this and 
if it could be achieved.
For myself, I would like to get involved on developing FreeCiv, having 
enjoying playing FreeCiv and Civ I, II, and III, and this is a particular 
area I would be interested in working on.  I think it would be best achieved 
by adding the features as options to freeciv in the form of rules and server 
options, as it doesn't really warrant complete seperation from the Civ I and 
II compatability currently in FreeCiv.  I think most of the additions/changes 
would work to this scheme, and it would allow the creation of unique games 
with a combination of the good features of both the older Civs and the newer 
Civ3.  Civ3 support would also make use of the nation representation, which 
,as far as I can see, relates to little more than the flag.  Civ3 has unique 
units and attitudes/special skills for the nations, which could be 
incorporated.  The units also carry their nationality (simply adding 
Nation_Type_id to the unit struct should sort this) and are more disposed 
towards that nation, although they can eventually be assimilated (related to 
the culture of the two nations).  This would mean, however, that each nation 
could only take part in the game once, limiting the number of players - don't 
know if this is already in place anyway.  Civ3 support would also effect and 
possibly help the AI development, as it gives the AI players a purpose 
(miltary civs aim for conquest, etc.)

Anyhow, let me know what you think (as I'm sure you will),
- -- 
Andrew :-)
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