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[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Civ II player puzzled by ICS strategy (long)

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Civ II player puzzled by ICS strategy (long)

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: Civ II player puzzled by ICS strategy (long)
From: "Mike Jing" <miky40@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2001 13:54:17 -0500
Reply-to: mike_jing@xxxxxxxxx

Aliaga <aliaga@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On the other hand, if it is not too hard, some server(s) could be set
up for the more "advanced" or "challenge-oriented" players...
Still other servers with longer/shorter/whatever timeouts...
Servers playing only historical maps...  Etcetera...

You can already do this with your own server: you can tune the rules to your heart's content. However, there needs to be some standards on public servers, and too many variations could be potentially confusing.

Let people "vote with their mouse"... even display rankings ala Civ "Hall of Fame" to see who wins what kind of game... (everybody termed
as "The Meek", "The Unready", "The Iron Fist"... boy was that cool :-)

There are many neat features like this that are yet to be implemented. IMHO there are more pressing metters at the moment, but of course anyone is welcome to make a case for their favorite (and prepared to be told to implement it themselves ;-) .

Fine, but, as a programmer myself, I'd say do not throw away that code... one never knows. :-)

Well, a little playtesting convinced me that it was not the way to go.

Well, there's no need to ban ICS. Only slow it. Allow other empire-builders to defend themselves up to the point where big cities matter. Let ICS players know what happens when irresistible forces meet unbeatable defenses... :-D

I agree. And I think I have found a way to make ICS impossible to succeed while at the same time make the game more balanced, more chanlenging, and more enjoyable. Best of all, it doesn't require any significant change of the basic rules of the game. All I need is a few simple tweaks within the existing rulesets and a tiny patch to close one loophole in the game mechanics. I will explain it in more detail in a separate post later.

This may be a bonus. Make a list of pseudo-levels of difficulty attainable by nudging every parameter a bit every way. Have a dozen of them. Let people "vote" on them, playtest them, invent strategies
for them... invest everything in some start-up company specialized in
life-support sistems for addict net-players...    :-)

As Tony Stuckey pointed out, this has been proposed before, but has not been implemented. Maybe someone will get around to it someday, but I think there are still a few important pieces missing from Freeciv that should be addressed first. Again, we will need more developers to get it done sooner.

I'd like to be able myself to test that. I believe that by improving some defensive capabilities of a handful of units/terrains the easier onslaughts could be repelled and things would be not so straightforward for the single-minded attacker.

You should certainly start playing Freeciv and see it for yourself. So far, all your arguments are based solely on your experience with CivII. Don't get me wrong, your insights from a CivII perspective are extremely valuable, but you will have a better understanding of the problems involved once you have played more Freeciv.

Well, nukes unbalance the game. Launching the spaceship unbalances the game. Lots of ironclads unbalance the game. Hordes of wealthy diplomats unbalance the game. When I can afford to build every WoW I want or take any one of them from an enemy, then the game is unbalanced and I'll win.

Clearly you have misunderstood my statement, and Reinier has already explained this for me. (Thanks a bunch, Reinier.)

It's the "big get bigger" problem that people complain about...

You hit the nail in the head with this statement. It is an important part of what my proposal would address as well, apart from ICS.

I'd call something a loophole if this unbalancing is achieved by some
easy/cheap mean. Here you have a point. These happiness wonders are too powerful at a bargain price, and I, for one, would like to see their cost/benefits tweakable... or even to be able to build "counter-wonders"...

They can be tweaked.  We will see if it will be necessary.

By the way, off topic... first thing I changed in CivII was rename
the Eiffel Tower to OLIMPIC GAMES. Made much more sense to me, and it was kinda neat seeing several tribes pursuing them...

As you will see, the Eiffel Tower is missing in Freeciv because it doesn't make much sense considering the way diplomacy is currently implemented in Freeciv. There is still no way to ensure peace, which is another reason why ICS+war is the preferred strategy. More cities => more military units under republic without happiness problems. No senate to enforce peace treaty. You get the idea.

Oh, did I mention there is no fundamentalism in Freeciv? Now there is a closed loophole.


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