Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: August 2000:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Nations classification again

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Nations classification again

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To: "Freeciv Development Mailing List" <freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: Nations classification again
From: Saikat DebRoy <saikat@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 08 Aug 2000 12:10:00 -0500

>>>>> "SamBC" == SamBC  <sambc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

  >> - some `asian' and `african' people aren't black / yellow, so
  >> this will only confuse people

  SamBC> It's a better description of 'racial' origin. The races you
  SamBC> describe as 'black' are almost universally of African
  SamBC> extraction (some exceptions) and all natives of most regions
  SamBC> of Africa (ignoring the bit that becomes the Middle East) are
  SamBC> black (Afrikaans are not natives btw)

Mediterranean Africa (Morocco, ALgeria etc to Egypt) is not
Negroid. The current population is a mix of Barber (Sp?) and Arabs.

  SamBC> Also, I'd say most people from Asia are not Yellow!!! I've
  SamBC> usually heard that description (racistly) applied to oriental
  SamBC> persons, covered by the oriental description. Asia is places
  SamBC> like India/Pakistan/environs. If you are going to describe
  SamBC> them by colour, I suppose you'd say Brown. I'd prefer Asian
  SamBC> personally.

Brown was a derogatory term used in the Colonial days. I would preffer
if it is not used.

  >>  Also I think most people aren't offended by calling their race
  >> by color.  Of course if there are some offended people who play
  >> freeciv, they should complain here.

  SamBC> I certainly know that it is considered impolite here, and it
  SamBC> is considered more polite to describe by ethnic extraction.

I think the safest course is to not to use the racial terms. Most of
the colors (yellow black etc) were/are derogatory terms.

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