Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: July 2000:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Header Etiquette (was: MP3 Patent Issues)

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Header Etiquette (was: MP3 Patent Issues)

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: Daniel Burrows <Daniel_Burrows@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: Header Etiquette (was: MP3 Patent Issues)
From: Jed Davis <jldavis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 02 Jul 2000 22:09:38 -0400

--On Sunday, 2 July 2000 6:54 PM -0400 Daniel Burrows <Daniel_Burrows@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
[copying ML responses to senders]
There are essentially two schools of thought here (somewhat exaggerated
for comic effect, of course ;-) ):

School A: "Redundancy Is Evil.  Any attempt to send me two copies of a
           message costs me X amount of download time (and money), is
           simply annoying and ill-considerate, and should be a crime
           punishable by death, or at least public humiliation."

School B: "I am subscribed to a hundred mailing lists and get 1,000
messages a
day. Messages which are sent To: these lists are filtered
           separate folders.  I DEMAND that you send me a private copy of
             all email traffic, or I will shun you and never speak to you
             again (primarily because I can't find your messages under all my
             other email)"

I got two copies of this message, and both of them landed in my freeciv-lists folder. A correctly phrased rule will do this. Finding the correct phrasing is trivial and left as an exercise to the reader. (-:

  I'm firmly in School B -- I only subscribe to a dozen or so lists, and
  many of those are pretty quiet, but it's still very nice to have
replies to messages I wrote drop into my personal mailbox (which is the
first thing I read, and gets the most attention)

RIght now I'd rather that all mailing-list traffic stay in its designated folder. Maybe when I'm subscribed to more mailing lists I'll feel differently.

  I also get really annoyed with lists that set Reply-To, although mutt
  does make it possible (thank God!) to override that to send the author
a private reply.  Group-reply still breaks horribly, though.. :(

Well, _my_ mail client (-: (Mulberry v2.0.0) gives a dialog box before composing the message where I can choose, for each possible recipient, whether to send them a To:, CC:, BCC;, or nothing at all; there are a couple of relatively non-broken defaults that can be chosen.

Of course, I'd expect any halfway-decent mail client will let you juggle the addresses once you've started composing.

--Jed; or you could compose all the relevant headers manually in an editor and feed the raw message to an MTA {-:

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