Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: February 2000:
[Freeciv-Dev] Minor bugs

[Freeciv-Dev] Minor bugs

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To: Freeciv-dev <freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Minor bugs
From: Pascal Audoux <pascal@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2000 17:34:58 +0100
Reply-to: audoux@xxxxxxxxx


I'm a member of the "freeciv-fr Team", (I mean the team that tries to translate
freeciv into french)
Last week, we have played with the 1.9.2 beta (just for testing the
translations, not for having fun, of course) and we found some pb in the game :
* With the Xaw client (I don't try with the GTK one) in the
"Choose-technology-to-search window" , there is stg strange :
It's written "Help : No" but if I click on, it changes in "Help : Oui"
and if I click again "Help : Non" which is the correct translation...
So why the first time it writes "No" instead of "Non" ??

There is also stg strange : the seconf menu item is always called
"Kingdom" (in fact "Royaume" in french), even in Republic or other gov.

An other pb is the year : it writes "BC"
or "AD" and we can't change it. (it's harcoded, it seems)

it seems that (in common/shared.c), you should change this function :

char *textyear(int year)
  static char y[10];
  if (year<0)
    my_snprintf(y, sizeof(y), "%d BC", -year);
    my_snprintf(y, sizeof(y), "%d AD", year);
  return y;

Warning : y[10] may be too short in french...

Well I think that's all

Pascal Audoux

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