Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: January 1999:
Re: [Freeciv-Dev] GTK+ client for 1.7.2

Re: [Freeciv-Dev] GTK+ client for 1.7.2

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Freeciv-Dev] GTK+ client for 1.7.2
From: Lalo Martins <lalo@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 3 Jan 1999 01:52:40 -0200

On Jan 02, Vasco Alexandre Da Silva Costa decided to present us with:
> Yes, it's here, the gtk+ client version for freeciv 1.7.2.

Can you please explain your "messy homepage"? :-) Do the "full
version" include "the new tiles"? What is "just the client", a
binary or you just wiped the server/ directory?

How  far are you from incorporating your stuff upstream (there is
an empty gclient/ directory in CVS waiting for you) and make it
selectable trough configure? What changes to stuff outside
gclient/ are needed?

Would it be too much work to add some #ifdef's and a configure
option to make the thing compile with some version of GTK we can
find somewhere outside CVS? (1.1.3 would be good for me, 1.1.2
if possible would be better)

[]s e obrigado,
     And the sign said the words of the prophets
 are written on the subway walls and tenement halls
        and wispered in the sounds of silence      mailto:lalo@xxxxxxxxxx
                 pgp key in the web page

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