Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: January 1999:
Re: [Freeciv-Dev] GTK+ client for 1.7.2

Re: [Freeciv-Dev] GTK+ client for 1.7.2

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To: Lalo Martins <lalo@xxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Freeciv-Dev] GTK+ client for 1.7.2
From: Nick Lamb <njl98r@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 3 Jan 1999 18:22:40 +0000 (GMT)

This is getting off-topic. Unless something Freeciv-specific is at
issue here, I'd prefer to continue this off-list.

On Sun, 3 Jan 1999, Lalo Martins wrote:

> That's the whole point. Some people have production machines and
> can't afford to have other apps stopping. I don't have the

Hopefully these people are running _production_ code on their
_production_ machines. GTK+ 1.0.x is production code, if you have 1.0.0
it will run all 1.0.x apps (but of course, it has bugs, such is life)

> bandwidth to download 1.1.11 sources neither I have hardware to
> compile it. And assuming I could, I can't package freeciv-gtk
> with a "Depends: libgtk1.1 (>=1.1.11)" being that there is no
> package libgtk1.1_1.1.11... so unless 1.1.11 is in deb and rpm
> format, it isn't really suitable for "mortals".

OK. GTK+ 1.1.x is not for mortals. It says on the packet, right next
to the ingredients list. Freeciv-GTK+ is built on 1.1.x, presumably
in the expectation that 1.1.x will freeze into 1.2.x before the GTK+
client goes into a "real" version of Freeciv. OTOH I don't doubt that
/someone/ out there has RPM or DEB packages in testing already.

Freeciv GTK+ could be ported to GTK+ 1.0, which would presumably
satisfy you. OTOH There's no particular reason to do that, because
as I said there will eventually be GTK+ 1.2, which is much better,
and Freeciv works fine on Xaw for those who run "production" code.

What I _really_ don't understand is why 1.1.3 is supposed to get
special treatment? Are you really selfish enough to believe that all
GTK+ apps should aim for compatability with 1.1.3 just because that's
the version you seem to have?

Initially you seemed to argue that Freeciv-GTK+ depended on CVS
versions of GTK+. Once I pointed out that it only needed a recent
release version, you say you only run production code. In that case
why didn't you ask for a 1.0.x client, rather than a 1.1.3 one?


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