Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-ai: November 2004:
[freeciv-ai] AI Position of First Cities

[freeciv-ai] AI Position of First Cities

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To: freeciv-ai@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [freeciv-ai] AI Position of First Cities
From: Ed Earl Ross <edearl@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 2004 20:19:04 -0600

The choice of city start positions by AI by Freeciv 2.0.0 appears incorrect.

For example, AI moved a settler from a plains-wheat f/p/t=3/1/0 tile to a grassland 2/0/0 tile before founding a city. If it had founded the city on the plains wheat tile, the total production for the city would have been plains-wheat 3/1/1 plus forest-pheasant 2/2/0 for a total of 5/3/1. After the AI move, the total production for the city was 2/0/1 plus 2/2/0 for a total of 4/2/1, which limits the production of new settlers early in the game. This fact means AI play during startup is less than optimal.

Below are the results of two games, played twice each (4 game plays), that show the current AI position of first cities is less than optimal.

*_Comparative Game Scores:_

*Human controls first cities of Player 1 (game 1)*

  Player    Score
       1      311
       2      456
       3      330

*Same game with AI control of Player 1 (game 1 again from civgame-4000m.sav.gz)

  Player    Score
       2    Destroyed the other two players, on two separate runs of
  the same game in 1876.


*Human controls first cities of Player 1 (game 2)*

  Player    Score
       1      475
       2      370
       3      325

*Same game with AI control of Player 1 (game 2 again** from civgame-4000m.sav.gz**)

  Player    Score
       1      298
       2      537
       3      276


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