Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-ai: November 2002:
[freeciv-ai] Re: Measure the AI ability to harvest resources

[freeciv-ai] Re: Measure the AI ability to harvest resources

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Cc: freeciv-ai@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [freeciv-ai] Re: Measure the AI ability to harvest resources
From: Jordi Negrevernis i Font <jorneg@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 20:10:13 +0100

En/na Gregory Berkolaiko ha escrit:

On Sun, 24 Nov 2002, Per I. Mathisen wrote:
 - The AI reserves a too big field around its cities, making cities at a
too big distance to each other.

This means AI doesn't do ICS, which is a good thing. If you change it, make it dependable on citymindist, please!

But when the city reaches size 8 and 90/90 food does NOT build the aqueduct to make it grow any further...

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