Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: discussion: April 2002:
[aclug-L] Re: Linux and Creationism...

[aclug-L] Re: Linux and Creationism...

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To: discussion@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [aclug-L] Re: Linux and Creationism...
From: John Reinke <jmreinke@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2002 23:14:52 -0500
Reply-to: discussion@xxxxxxxxx

After seeing a few of you commenting on this, I thought I'd mention 
that this article was a story a few days ago [1]. I'd 
guess that a majority of the readers came to the conclusion that it 
really was a hoax. Yes, there are fundamentalists/extremests who 
would probably believe everything in the article, because they, well, 
believe everything in articles like this.

The site is pretty well done, but you can tell they go a little 
overboard on some articles like the "Mall Mission" article. It sounds 
a little SNL Church Lady-like with quotes like:

   Darth Maul. Commercialized symbol of evil whose name sounds like 
"mall". Coincidence?

I half expected to find the phrase "Well now, isn't THAT special!"

On the other hand, if it is real, I'll have to give up using 
computers, since the only OSes I use are evil (UNIX/Linux, & MacOS). 
There aren't any other OSes I can use, are there? I'm sure this [2] 
effectively proves that Microsoft is evil in the author's eyes, too. 
Rats, I'll have a nifty Master's degree in CS in a few weeks, but 
won't be able to use it...


[2] A popular email footer:
    "One World, One Web, One Program." - Microsoft Promotional Ad 1998
    "ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuhrer." - Adolf Hitler 1936

>I'm kinda involved in the creationism battles in Kansas and in our whole
>country. This was posted to one of the many listservs of which I am a
>member. I hope it doesn't offend anyone's sensibilities.
>I think my favorite quote here would have to be the fact that anyone using a
>"daemon" is:
>1) Acting unchristian
>2) Is a notoriously poor speller
>Burt C. Humburg
>4th Year Medical Student
>University of Kansas School of Medicine
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