Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: discussion: February 2002:
[aclug-L] An idea -- any volunteers/helpers?

[aclug-L] An idea -- any volunteers/helpers?

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To: <discussion@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [aclug-L] An idea -- any volunteers/helpers?
From: "Koji Hayakawa" <sylf00@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2002 22:41:37 -0600
Reply-to: discussion@xxxxxxxxx

I was treated with a surprise of 250+ emails after I abandoned my email for
couple days.  I just can't help myself but reflecting on couple things that
stuck in my head.

Someone in the group mentioned about interest of learning Python/MySQL.
Someone else mentioned about wanting to have FAQ-O-Matic on ACLUG web site.
Can we somehow mush these ideas, and create in-house MAQ-O-Matic, written in
Python, powered by MySQL?  "That's crazy!", you might say.  There should be
some FAQ-O-Matic we can just download, install, and use without much
trouble.  And it would be a good system in a short run.  But here is my real
point.  One, we can just start up a small group formed by interested
participants.  We would set up a test Linux box that we do our development
on.  We'll learn how to set up Linux, Apache, MySQL, Python, and possible
CVS (concurrent version control system or some such).  At that point, we'll
share our experience in the meeting.  Each of these topic can be single
topic by itself, if there's enough interest, and if there's a volunteer to
coordinate the presentation anyway.  Then you go about building the system,
and any progress report can be part of the LUG meeting.  It would be a great
learning experience for participant who wants to learn about any of these
topics, and could be somewhat interesting topic to be mentioned at the
meeting.  Some/most of the topics learned from the experience may veer off
from "Linux" in strict sense (i.e. web design, scripting language, SQL,
etc), but if we get scared before first attempt, we'll never get anywhere.

I've been somewhat familiar with Unix/Linux for about 6 years now, on and
off, always part time.  I don't claim to know Linux well at all.  But
because of what I've done in the past, I have some knowledge of how to set
up Apache/PHP/MySQL system.  I've never touched Python in my life, so if the
above said project actually goes under way, that'll be the area I can learn
something, aside from CVS.

So far, I've never considered Linux as my desktop system replacement.  I'm
just a M$ user by nature.  I happen to know and use Unix/Linux system.  I
know Linux just enough to be dangerous.  I just look Linux as something good
for personal server.  Heck, I catalog all my MP3 downloads in MySQL  :), and
make write html front end for it, just for fun.  And if anyone in the group
is interested in such topic, I will be happy to share my time.  (And
knowledge, if it meets anyone's requirement)

....I need stop here before I bore all the readers off to /dev/null....
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