Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: offlineimap: May 2008:
Re: backup and synchronize to fastmail

Re: backup and synchronize to fastmail

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To: John Goerzen <jgoerzen@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: offlineimap@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: backup and synchronize to fastmail
From: Alejandro Jakubi <jakubi@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 13 May 2008 20:10:41 -0300

In addition to answers to my previous questions, I need explanations about these

1. Sorting. My guess is that inmediatelly after runing offlineimap for
the first time, there will be a period of transfer (ie backup) from my folders
on my departmental account to my fastmail account. Will the order of the
messages in my departmental account folders be preserved in this process?
I am worried about this because of my experience with mailutil (from the Pine
toolbox) which, apparently depending on the version of the imap server, keep or
alter this order on copy or move.

2. Testing, log, simulation. Of course, I know that my use of offlineimap is
at my own risk. Because of this, specially during the initial (critical)
period, until I check that things go well, I would like to take precautions
for the risk of loosing mail.

So, I wonder whether offlineimap can:

a. run in a "simulation mode" ie telling what things it would
do without actually doing them.

b. write to a logfile its activities during its normal operation (I do not
mean debugging)

And for testing, besides of backing up all my folders, what is the standard
procedure to test that offlineimap works well in a particular setting?

Regards, Alejandro Jakubi

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