Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: January 2004:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Do you want VS .NET 2003 support?

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Do you want VS .NET 2003 support?

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To: "freeciv-dev" <freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: Do you want VS .NET 2003 support?
From: "Brandon Van Every" <vanevery@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 6 Jan 2004 19:30:21 -0800

From: "James Canete" <use_less@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> I can't say that I want to become buildmaster for a VS .NET 2003 build,
> mostly because I don't want the responsibility, (plus not owning VS .NET
> is a big factor :) but I also can't say that no-one will ever want to
> make an MSVC-specific build.

Well, we can't say "no-one will ever..." about much of anything.  It's not
the operative concern; the operative one is: if I do more work, will it be
relevant?  That only happens if someone becomes a VS .NET 2003 buildmaster
and keeps it alive.  Otherwise without testing, concern, or change tracking,
all people will have is a broken start of a build.  Someone other than
myself has to "own" the idea of a VS .NET 2003 build.

> In my opinion, I would like to see the core of freeciv to be as
> compiler-agnostic as possible, to facilitate the development of even
> more alternate clients and servers as time goes on and libraries, OS'es
> and various come and go.  This is why your changes interest me.

Well, I think the libcivcommon changes should go in without the build.  If
you guys ever want to create dynamic link libraries, you're going to need a
"clean" dependency graph.  But, it is not an exciting or earth-shattering
change by itself, and I know what your submissions bottlenecks are like.

> If you feel you can no longer support this development, due to changing
> circumstances, I would suggest simply submitting your patch as is to RT
> and leaving it for the future, as it were.  Someone may not be
> interested today, but perhaps they will in the future.

Nah.  Will just post what I've got on my website someday, if I feel like it.
Learning patch tools is more work that I haven't done yet that doesn't buy
me anything.  That may sound very lazy to you, but really, what's the point
of spending even an hour more on something if nobody's gonna use it?

> By the way, didn't you hate C?  :)

Why are you using the past tense?  The C code changes I made were
exceedingly trivial.  The most elaborate thing I did was providing a dirent,
and that was just borrowing code from MinGW, not writing anything myself.

Brandon Van Every

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