Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: March 2003:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#3594) viking.ruleset

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#3594) viking.ruleset

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To: andrearo@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#3594) viking.ruleset
From: "Arnstein Lindgard" <arnstein.lindgard@xxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2003 14:56:57 -0800
Reply-to: rt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

On Wed, 5 Mar 2003 04:50:34 -0800
"Ragnar Ouchterlony" <freeciv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> >>If it really is the historical Vikings that should be in this nation, then
> >>modern Norwegian prime ministers such as Jens Stoltenberg and Bondevik
> >>shouldn't be there at all. Also, there should be Viking cities and rulers
> >>from the Vikings that went to the east (into Russia and Constantinople and
> >>even farther east) and not only from the Norwegian parts of Scandinavia.

I'm all for this.

On Thu, 6 Mar 2003 13:27:22 -0800
"andrearo@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <andrearo@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> What do you think about these changes? (attached):

> -I also thought about using a flag that possibly represents the 
> viking/scandinavian

I think this is the worst possible solution; a flag that means
nothing to nobody. It represents a failed attempt of unifying
cultures in order to strengthen one particular regime - something
picked up from History's trashcan. Besides, the mish-mash flag
doesn't really include Iceland, and gives more associations to
Zimbabwe or the Sami people than Vikings.

  The ideal flag, I think, would be a simple iconified horned helmet,
as portrayed on the American-authored comic strip Hagar the Horrible,
or whatever they call Hårek den Harbalne in English. Archeologists
tell us that vikings never actually wore helmets, but who cares as
long as this symbol has a strong grip on peoples minds everywhere? I
won't be the artist, I just have an opinion as a Norwegian.

> -viking-era rulers only

You seem to mean Norwegian viking rulers only.

> legend=_("The Vikings raided and traded along the coasts of Europe \
> between 800AD and 1100AD. Viking raids eventually became the rulers of \
> Normandy, Russia, and a short-lived kingdom in Sicily.")

I always thought the greatest viking achievement was to conquer and
rule large portions of Britannia. That was done by a dane, Knud den
Store, who's in the Danish ruleset. In a historical Viking ruleset, he
could/should be referred to as Canute, I believe.

I also think Kaupang should be the default capital. Oslo is just a
Norwegian city. Both because Kaupang sounds the most oldish, even in
Norwegian, and because Kaupang AFAIK is the biggest excavation site.

In Sid Meyer's Civ II, Kaupang was the default capital, and Canute was
the default leader name.


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