[Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#3516) Save files to large and redundant
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On Wed, Feb 26, 2003 at 02:04:31AM -0800, ChrisK@xxxxxxxx wrote:
> What about a sensible method to get rid of old savegames,
> e.g. rm *.sav.gz ? ;-)
> Or write a script that keeps 3 savegames for each seed and deletes
> everything else.
Attached. I haven't used this in a while but it is expected to work.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# civgame-clean - reduce the number of Freeciv savefiles
# for usage information, call me without arguments or options
# $Id: civgame-clean,v 1.4 2003/02/26 10:48:57 gamecvs Exp $
# issued under the GNU license; if you modify this script, please notify
# the author: reinpost@xxxxxxxxxx (Reinier Post)
# should run under any Perl 5 or higher
use strict;
sub usage
print <<ZZ;
Usage: $0 [-nrl] -# [arg [arg [...]]]
where args are Freeciv savefiles or directories containing them,
and # is a positive number
deletes those savefiles that civserver saves with saveturns set to 1,
but not with saveturns set to #
without arguments, defaults to .
without the -l option, never deletes the savefile with the highest year
(determined per directory)
with the -r option, descends recursively through subdirectories
with the -n option, only shows what would be deleted
the -# option is required; options must precede arguments
recommended use (when a civserver is running):
sh -c 'while sleep 100; do $0 -1000; done' &
#--- cmdline parse ---#
@ARGV || &usage;
my $recursive = 0;
my $justshow = 0;
my $savelatest = 1;
my $freq = 0; # an impossible value; 1 is possible
my @args = ();
my $inopts = 1;
while (my $arg = shift(@ARGV))
if ($inopts)
if ($arg =~ /^-[nrl]+$/)
$justshow = 1 if $arg =~ /n/;
$recursive = 1 if $arg =~ /r/;
$savelatest = 0 if $arg =~ /l/;
elsif ($arg =~ /^-/)
($arg =~ /^-([1-9]\d*)$/ && ($freq = $1)) || &usage;
$inopts = 0;
# (!$inopts)
&usage if $arg =~ /^-/;
$freq || &usage;
@args = ('.') if !@args;
#--- collect filenames ---#
# store all files of the form saved by freeciv, recording their year;
# for directories, use their files (non-recursively)
my %year;
while (@args)
my $arg = shift(@args);
if (-d $arg)
opendir(DIR,$arg) || die("$0: fatal error: cannot open directory $arg\n");
my @itsfiles = readdir(DIR);
closedir(DIR) || die("$0: fatal error: cannot close directory $arg\n");
if (@itsfiles)
grep(!/^\.\.?$/ && ($_ = "$arg/$_") && (-f $_ || ($recursive && -d $_)),
elsif (-f $arg && $arg =~ m#(.*/)?civgame([-+]?\d+)\.sav(.gz)?$#)
$year{$arg} = 0 + $2;
if (!%year)
warn("no savefiles of the required form were found\n") if $justshow;
#--- determine the maximum year we need to consider ---#
my $maxyear = -4000;
foreach my $year (values(%year))
$maxyear = $year if $year > $maxyear;
#--- mark all years that would be saved with saveturns set to $freq ---#
# this is version dependent! but it doesn't change very often
my %freqsaved;
for (my $i = 0, my $year = -4000;
$year <= $maxyear;
++$i, $year += ($year < 1000 ? 20 : $year < 1500 ? 10 :
$year < 1700 ? 5 : $year < 1800 ? 2 : 1))
$freqsaved{$year || 1} = 1 unless $i % $freq;
#--- also mark the latest savefile in each directory, if requested ---#
# bug: treats the same directory under different names as different
if ($savelatest)
my %foundoneindir;
foreach (sort {$year{$b} <=> $year{$a}} keys(%year))
my $mydir = m#^(.*)/# ? $1 : '.';
next if defined($foundoneindir{$mydir});
$foundoneindir{$mydir} = 1;
$freqsaved{$year{$_} || 1} = 1;
#--- remove all saved games corresponding to unmarked years ---#
if ($justshow)
foreach (sort {$year{$a} <=> $year{$b}} keys(%year))
warn(($freqsaved{$year{$_}} ? '# not: ' : '') . "rm $_\n");
while (my ($file,$year) = each(%year))
unlink($file) unless $freqsaved{$year{$file}};