Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: September 2001:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: [patch] Message windows (report, science ...)

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: [patch] Message windows (report, science ...)

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To: jdorje@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: FreeCiv <freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: [patch] Message windows (report, science ...)
From: Francois Taiani <francois.taiani@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2001 21:08:35 +0200

Hi everyone,

Jason Dorje Short wrote:
> [...]
> It might be reasonable for some games to follow a system like this.  If
> you're playing a 2-player game, it would be your turn 50% of the time.
> Against friendly opposition, you might agree to use this 50% for moving
> units and spend off-time during your opponent's turn handling your
> production, etc.  Since city production happens at the end of each game
> turn, it might then be reasonable to request an end-of-game-turn from
> each player before having this (so that all players can move their units
> during their turn and then have longer to change production).

Do you mean each player would get an kind of fix time slot, in a
round-robin fashion, in which he would be the only one to be able to
move  units ? (A sort of time division protocol, for those
telecommunication enginners out there ;-) I'm not quite sure it would
solve the problem, because, though you would get rid of some chance
factors, like whose request reaches the server first, you would still
have the urge to carry out as many moves as you can in your allocated
time. I'm afraid the frustration Tony mentionned would still be there.


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